Howdy ho! How accurate do y'all find the Voice Commands? Mine seems to come up with odd interpretations for most of the commands. Like AM = "Points of Interest" or "Radio Off". Sometimes it gets them right, but not all the time. Doesn't seem to matter if the car is quiet or not. And I does have goot anglish.. :wink: Anybody got a list of ALL of the voice commands? ( aside from the ones in the "help" screens )? How come you reckon Toyo didn't put the reverse beep outside.? Before i disabled it, i kept thinking that i was about to back over myself IN the car... Why do Prii have a gas tank bladder anyhoo? DRLs? US cars don't have them? My manual indicates auto-on/off head lights. Seems to be a sensor on the dash for them, but not on the stalk? What up? Questions, questions...sooooo many questions.... TIA! ..
Can't comment on the voice commands cause I don't have the navigation package. John's sit e( has a Prius User Guide that he recently updated and that has a lengthy list of voice commands. The Prius has a bladder to reduce the amount of gas vapour forming thus reducing emissions (remember the hissing sound when you open the gas cap of your old car?). This bladder thus qualifies the Prius for AT-PZEV rating or Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicle. This means there is no evaporative emissions. The manual tries to cover everything for that region. The manual also has a section for vehicles not equipped with auto headlights. The US models do not come with auto headlights and the sensor you see is probably for the climate control.
I have created a document of all the voice commands grouped by purpose and sorted alphabetically. I carry it in my glove box just in case I need it. It might be what you're looking for: You can get other versions in this thread:
:roll: Strange responses to voice commands prompted my Prius' "name" - ERNESTINE - after Lili Tomlin's telephone operator character. I get about 65% correct, the rest strange, even innane, but choose to be amused rather than irritated... I value a good chuckle! I have found that a normal voice level and rhythm works best for me.
I have had my PRI for just over 2 weeks and your topic sparked an interest. While traveling with GPS guidance running, I decided I was cold and asked the car to get warmer. Instead, she de-activated the voice guidance. This was after several attempts with no response. On the way home I tried again. This time very loud and very clear. She got the message that time and increased the cabin temp for me. I suggest not to try voice commands if you are using the GPS to find someplace new. You have to come to a stop to resume the GPS after the route guidance has been deactivated.
Well, glad I'm not alone. ANd it helps if you spell "voice" and "guidance" correctly when searching the archives... OK, that said, it would appear that the VOice stuff is a, uhm, work in progress, so to speak... I find it odd that it doesn't have a "training" option like most voice-based systems. They help the recognition factor immensely. Somewhat embarrassing do demo to non Pri folk as well..." you paid HOW much for that POS"?! " was one quote... I also think it should not "guess" if it doesn't clearly match... It really defeats the "hands free" aspect and definitely becomes a distraction/safety issue. Or did I just miss something? mebbe it has to go thru an English/Japanese transmutafier :?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(catsbox\";p=\"86578)</div> You can use the voice commands of "start guidance" or "resume guidance" to get it talking again whilst driving. The opposite commands are "stop guidance" and "suspend guidance". These may help unless the NAV went into some other mode that doesn't respond to them. Also, I think mine doesn't take some of those commands unless I'm at the Map screen on the display. Another idea is to use the alternate wording that's available for some of the commands. That is "Raise Temperature" instead of "Warmer". I can get the "warmer" to work about 4% of the time. It drove me crazy until I decided to stick with "Raise Temperature" or "70 Degrees" or "Temperature 70 Degrees". I agree about the agro caused when trying to show off the new technology and having the NAV lady never get what you're saying. But some commands seem to work really well for me: "Audio", "Automatic Air Conditioning". I was quite pleased to discover that "Suspend Guidance" was much more effective than "Shut Up!" Ex
Considering what they showes on Extreme Home Makover: How they do that? Last night, voice recognition should be much better, especially with the limited vocabulary.
When we first got the hybrid we took it to Monticello and on the way I must have ticked off my hubby and he says to the voice activator "passenger eject, thermal nuclear mode" And she said.. "temperature 85" and raised the temp to 85 degrees! Then decided to be creative and turned it on and said "moo" and she replied "map mode on" So if you "moo" like a cow she will turn on the map!! My friends love it!!!
Let's be honest..... Unless you REALLY spend some time learning how the computer wants you to enunciate - the voice recognition system isn't really that practical. That said - it IS a whole lot of fun. My advice - DON'T try to S-P-E-A-K C-L-E-A-R-L-Y. It's been my experience that if you talk normally, you get better results. Also - the temperature commands - the listed command is something like "Air Conditioning 72 degrees". I've found that a simple "72 degrees" removing the "Air Conditioning" works almost 100% of the time. Hope that helps. Yoda