California May Ban Black Cars As a continuing part AB32, California is considering the following: The California legislature is considering regulating the color of cars and reflectivity of paint to reduce the energy requirements to cool them. A presentation on the proposed legislation by the California Air Resources Board is below. The problem isn’t the color per se, but the reflectivity of the paint overall. And dark colors just don’t reflect well, so they are likely out. “Jet black remains an issue,†says the report. Anyone who’s ever entered a very hot car knows that it can be cooled down immediately by driving a few feet with the windows open, effectively neutralizing any color-caused heat issues before engaging the air conditioner. But whatever, black is evil. The new regulations would be phased in beginning in 2012, so if you want that black car, you better buy it soon. More on Autoblog and CrunchGear.
So I can still buy an Excursion, Suburban, Escalade, Lamborghini, Bentley, etc. - just not black/dark color, because of the energy required to cool one. You gotta love California...
It makes sense to me, I alway choose light color cars. I have light blue and silver color ones. I live in the central valley of California, temperature can reach 110 in the summer. The AC just can't handle it when the cabin temperature is near 150 degree inside. Light color car can reduce inside temperature by as much as 20 degrees.
It may make sense but come on, for legislature to get involved and pass bills on some bulls**t like this... Midpack is right, just more big brother... I was stationed and lived in california for nearly 6 years in the 90's. I LOVED California, so much more than Ny or many places in the US but they gotta get a grip with these nutty things.
Which uses more energy --- a black Prius or a white Escalade? With all due respect, you've been in California too long...
California... wow! Maybe they will try and regulate emission standards for the whole automotive industry next. (oops... I forgot... they already did that)
Seems to me where I saw somewhere that this story is complete BS, i.e. there is zero chance it could ever become a law. It is much ado about nothing.
Before all you California bashers get all uppity please do a little research first.... Snopes - California Banning Black Cars CARB - Cool Cars and Reflective Glazing AB32 The actual Revised DRAFT for Cool Cars is also listed on the site but I'm not linking to it for fear big brother will come down on me... I hope you guys do more research than you've shown above when you decide to bash environmental regulations and global warming.
I wasn't bashing environmental regulations and global warming. I was bashing a completely moronic idea whether true or false.
We just sold our old black car to get a dark grey Prius. It makes sense in CA. We are suffering water shortages and unending fire seasons. Anything that will help should be used, but used wisely.
Fair enough, I should have known better. But the subsequent responses and locations were humorous? Peace...
I'm going to have my car chrome plated and then buff it to a mirror finish. I bet that I will hardly ever need the AC. :madgrin:
Would you force people to buy black vehicles in Northern states because it would take less fuel to warm them in the winter? Wasn't it Henry Ford that said, "They can have any color they want,... as long as it is black."
Subject Top Page: Cool Paints and Reflective Glazing You can click on a link to the latest proposed regulations, and I think they are going beyond car color, but rather to reflectance. I did not have time to peruse the document very carefully, but I think the thread title and referenced web page provide a superficial impression of the action.