Which is more important to you? I realize you can have both, but if you could ONLY pick one, which would it be?
On long highway trips I prefer to fold the passenger side mirror in to get better aero and increased mpg. Sometimes, when driving very late at night when I see just a few cars on the road...I'll fold the driver's side in too. In my old 4runner (with much bulkier mirrors) I found this to add at least 2 mpg to my trip mpg. over a 300 mile trip...quieter ride too!
So I'm the only one who voted for signal mirrors? All this poll proves is you guys don't have a sense of humor.
No, I only voted for better mileage, as I am not yet driving a Prius. Once I get the better mileage, I may choose to ask for signal mirrors, but as of now, the priority is certainly mileage. (otherwise I would find a gas guzzler with signal mirrors... ;-)
If Prius had cameras vs. mirrors, and turn indicators embedded flush into the fenders, we'd get the best of both worlds!
DIY side-mounted camera mirrors from an ecomodder...go to end of vid if you want to see them in use...
Signal Mirrors all the way!!! Can you imagine how great it would feel to have people think you are driving a luxury car from 10 years ago!?!?!
Doesn't this belong in the "Would you do something dangerous and/or illegal to get an extra 1/10 MPG" poll?
Passenger side view mirrors are not "required" in all US states (most only require a driver side view mirror or "a mirror")...check your own state laws for confirmation. And, side mirror delete or fold is worth well more than 1/10 mpg...if you are "daring" enough to try it (sarcasm). If you need proof...I can provide a link for you... Here's the state laws I drive though on my road trips... Massachusetts Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with at least one mirror so placed and adjusted as to afford the operator a clear, reflected view of the highway to the rear and left side of the vehicle. New York Vehicle and Traffic Laws Title 3, Article 9, § 375. Equipment. 10. a. Every motor vehicle, when driven or operated upon a public highway, shall be equipped with a mirror or other reflecting device so adjusted that the operator of such vehicle shall have a clear and full view of the road and condition of traffic behind such vehicle. ... c. Every passenger motor vehicle registered in this state (snip) shall be equipped with adjustable interior mirrors meeting specifications established by the commissioner which specifications may provide minimum and maximum reflectance values. 10-a. It shall be unlawful (snip) to operate on any public highway in this state (snip) unless such vehicle is equipped with an adjustable side view mirror which shall be affixed to the left outside of such vehicle and which shall be adjustable so that the operator of such vehicle may have a clear view of the road and condition of traffic on the left side and to the rear of such vehicle. Pennsylvania [6] § 4534. Rearview mirrors. No person shall operate a motor vehicle or combination on a highway unless the vehicle or combination is equipped with at least one mirror, or similar device, which provides the driver an unobstructed view of the highway to the rear of the vehicle or combination. This section shall not apply to any special mobile equipment, commercial implement of husbandry or implement of husbandry that is not so equipped by the original manufacturer. (June 23, 1982, P.L.605, No.171, eff. imd.; Dec. 18, 1992, P.L.1411, No.174, eff. 60 days) Taken verbatim from PA Vehicle Code Title 75, Chapter 45, § 4534. "One mirror, or similar device." Taken literally, means you don't need side (external) mirrors at all, as long as you have an internal rearview mirror. This law does not apply to farm equipment, vehicles which were originally not equipped (and are so maintained in specific condition), and special mobility vehicles, such as pedal bikes and certain scooter-type devices. (Interpreted from several other sections in PA statutes. Highway, in PA Vehicle code, refers to pretty much all public roads.
I think it should have been asked if you wanted "improved gas mileage" As i already get good gas mileage,i installed turn signal mirrors with autofold....so i'm having my cake....and eating it LOL,on the Dang post!!