I assume that a sticky for what medical equipment you need and don't need is forthcoming? Need to let the knowledge start flowing again.
graduation is tomorrow. going to be a busy day. things have been totally nuts lately, i really hope they slow down this weekend. thanks everyone for the support and congratulations!!
yes, congratulations. But can he re-use any of car tools? Especially the big heavy ones. Now if I can just get my son to follow suit.
Congratulations! I imagine the job interviews will come fast and furious. Am I right? In the 1980's I was the lone med tech and my own phlebotomist during the night shift in a major suburban hospital. I often wished I had a CLES biomedical equipment technician on call. No way did I have time to deal with a lab instrument that needed maintenance or repair. You have many job options with your degree, what are you hoping to do?
guys, he has loved this thread. we've laughed so hard at some of the responses here! :lol: geeky teacher, he will be happy to get any job right now! he is hoping to find his way into imaging (eventually take the CRES- we're looking into the CBET now) but he will start anywhere on the ladder than he can get. really he's just itching to get back to work, feel productive, and start building a reputation in the new field.
With imaging, you can use surface rendering to recreate naked females from a body scan. I think that would be right up DH's alley. Tom