I have two 03's, both with DVD Navigation, and I want to upgrade the DVD to the latest version and also get info on the pin-outs out of the back of the unit. My unit is a Denso 86841-33060, and when I check the DVD version it is 2.1. I've seen some DVD's on ebay that are versions 3.1 and 4.1, will these work in my unit? or do I need a 2.x version? I haven't figured out yet if the verison is tied to the physical version of the unit or just the version of the DVD data. Also, does anyone know any tricks to get into guts of the GUI, like put the unit into a service mode or something? Thanks, Greg
Someone told me that each DVD is somehow associated with the VIN in order to avoid duplication of DVD's. I don't know if this is true or not, but that was one of the questions I had when I saw the DVD's for sale on e-bay. Maybe someone can also clarify this rumor for us when they post.
I have a 2004 package 9. It came with DVD ver 3.1 . I bought 3.2 on eBay for$10. I popped it in, it updated and all was well. Once you update the OLD DVD is useless to you.
Whether a version 03.1 or 04.1 disk will work in your '03 depends on which 03.1 or 04.1 it is. There are two different Toyota nav disks with each of those version numbers. In each case, one of them works only in the '01-03 nav system, and the other only in the '04-05 system. They can be distinguished by the Toyota part numbers on the disks. v03.1 disks: 86271-33032 - works in '01-03 model 86271-33040 - works in '04-05 v04.1 disks: 86271-33033 - works in '01-03 (this is the most current version) 86271-33043 - works in '04-05 Versions 03.2, 03.3, and 04.2 exist only for the '04-05 system, and won't work in the '01-03. The version number appears to be based on the year of release. In general, disks with part number 86271-3303x are for the system in the '01-03 models, and with number 86271-3304x are for the '04-05.
Cool! Thanks JB! That's the kind of info I need, I'll pop the disk out tonight and see what version it is, just to be sure. Now all I need is some good info about the unit itself and I will be set. Thanks to all that have responded so far! Greg
This isn't true - someone was pulling your leg. As much as the MPAA and RIAA would love to be able to do this kind of thing, it simply isn't possible given current technology.
It was probably somebody getting even with me for telling them that the Prius Power Extension Cord was too short.