Thanks everyone. I noticed the whistle right after getting my Prius. I'll have to see if my dealership has some sort of plug for it, otherwise I'll just tape it myself. Any suggestions on what kind of tape to use? Back in my musician days we used to use duct tape for everything, but I don't think that would be such a wise choice here.
Recently, I had the same problem also. I took my Prius (2006, package #7) in to the dealer ship and they said they fixed it. I took it in for a total of 3 times and they ended up replacing the seal of the windshield and the drivers no whistling sounds are there Rick
I'm lucky. I have the whistle AND wind noise.:lalala: Taping the holes got rid of the whistle until the tape started coming loose. So that problem's solved. The noise is on both sides, but the passenger side is acceptable, by comparison. If that was the only noise, I'd be doing something besides writing this. This is what I'd call "white noise" type of wind noise. Dealer offered to replace both door and window gaskets but neither he nor I was confident about that fixing anything, especially now that the tape did the job for the whistle. I temporarily put a sock over the mirror [literally!]; no whistle, but still got the noise. Maybe worse. Going nuts over this, so no guarantee it's worse. Haven't seen any posts about eliminating that. Except the one about replacing windshield and door!! Not gonna go there! Isn't that just asking for more/different trouble? Seems like just the 2 gaskets my dealer offered to replace was asking for enough trouble. I will experiment with the blue painter's tape that someone suggested. ray: Glad I didn't use silicone to seal the whole door and window as a test! P.S. (1) Happens at speeds above 35-40, worse at highway speed. (2) With window open and tape over holes in place, I put my hand under the mirror; whistle MUCH louder.
I had the same problem and sure enough one of the screws had a torn cover. Just got back from the Dealership in Belleveue, WA and they tried to tell me that this was not a manufactured defect and that it wouldn't be covered under my warranty because a rock probably bounced up and hit the cover. I insisted on talking to the service manager so he went out and looked at the mirror. He said he had never heard of this problem. The service rep told me that the new mirrors don't even come with this cover and that they would try to figure out a way to fix it for me.
How about the water noise draining down right next to your head when driving in heavy rain? Any fixes out there?
Both my 2006 and my wife's 2007 had "Wind Noise" along the A-Piller up the channel of the window track. We found that it was not the window seal and my 2006 doesn't have the clear tape on the mirror like her 2007 and the noise was IDENTICAL on both vehicles. We took hers to the dealer because it was under warranty still so it got fixed for free. After a day or so they found that it was the mirror gasket but replacing the gasket didn't completely eliminate the noise but significantly reduced it. Since the noise drives her nuts they added what they call "insulating material" to the mirror area and gasket assembly. I didn't take the mirror apart to look at it but my guess is this is some kind of Toyota sound deadening material that they applied around the area to make the gasket fit a little tighter and seal better. Since my sound was identical and they new exactly what to do to eleiminate it I had them fix mine as well. They used the material that was left over from her "kit" and it cost me a $135. I consider it a good investment just to keep the wife from killing me when we take my car somewhere. And besides with 149,000 miles on Ema I think a little maintenance cost should be expected Happy driving, Chris
I have some wind noise at the left B pillar but I can explain that. Damn ferral bitch with no licence and no insurance!! Lucky I have good insurance. I'm waiting for the best crash repairer in Adelaide to let me know he can fit me in.
We have a 2006 Prius with the same problem. My wife and I went to our local Toyota dealership this weekend to have the new GoodYear assurance fuel max tires put on and decided to look at the 2009 Prius while we waited and sure enough half of the 2009's had the plastic covers over the screws and half of them did not. We asked the repair guy to try to find a part and got the answer " we don't know'. I was wondering if anyone on here had a part number for the plastic pieces or even if one of the prius development team could give this information. I know that clear tape will fix this, but if you have the parts why not let everyone use it on our wonderful hybrids.. Thanks
haahhaa. thanks forum. It's nice to have a problem that has an answer for a change, and a solution. I got my 07 Prius in January of this year. At some point after that, a shrill high pitched ear piercing whistle started, roughly at 35 to 40 mph, and continuing at higher speeds without interruption. For a long time, i just assumed it was a problem with the window seal. The other day i was pressing on the window, seeing if i could find a place that would get the noise to stop if i pressed on it. I pressed really hard but pressing had no effect. I remembered seeing a thread at Prius Chat about "Does anyone else have a whistle" which i kept meaning to read. Tonight i finally read the thread, then went out to look at my car. Sure enough, on the drivers side, one of the screw holes had a thin flimsy plastic cover, like tape, which was torn and partly missing. The other thin flimsy tape cover was in tact, was were both on the passenger side. Armed with scotch tape, i put a small piece over the torn cover and voila, no more whistle. Awesome. Like others, though, knowing that some Priuses have sturdier plastic plugs, I certainly want those on my car too. Looking back, i realize it's possible, and probably likely, that the whistle on my car began at the time of the one lone car wash it had since i got it up until recently. It fits my sense of the time frame. I'll be sure to get a warranty repair of those covers, they're all flimsy and the piece of tape i put on is a temporary fix. thanks!!!!!!!! and cheers! Forum rocks.
any that has had this problem, could you please tell the rest of us the part number that the dealer ship needs to order them. Our dealership can not find the part number, even though over half of the Prius's on the lot had the vinyl stickers over the holes.