I was watching the letterman show last night where he interviewed the CEO of Tesla Motors and showed off the Model-S. However, I was very disappointed in the way that he really put down the Volt. He was really ragging on the car because it "only goes 40 miles on a charge." This compared with the Tesla that goes hundreds of miles. But, I think he missed the point of the Volt. I still consider the Volt a hybrid vehicle, even if it is different from current hybrid models.
Uh... It was Letterman that hammered on the Volt. Seemed like Elon actually wanted to set the record straight a bit, but was not allowed to. Elon was also cut off at the end when he had one more important point to make, and Letterman decided it would be far more entertaining to be "electrocuted" by the Model S.
As I said on another thread, TV is about entertainment, not information. Letterman sounds like a genuine a-hole. But since I've never seen him, I'm just going by what you folks have reported about his treatment of Elon Musk.
I never watch Letterman (or any other talk shows) but I watched this one because some people had emailed me about the Tesla S series being shown. I was really disappointed at how much time was spent with some of the really stupid stuff in the first 10 or 15 minutes of the show, and they gave Elon like 3 minutes. I was thinking Wth? You could tell the audience really wanted to see more. And, I also assume Elon would have set the record straight on the Volt too, had he had the chance.
Agreed, the audience response when they opened the screen and brought out the Model S was awesome...I think they would have loved to hear about a few of the awesome features like the 17" LCD and all. So, are you getting a Model S? How'd your friends know you'd be interested? I have one on order and highly suggest you check out the Tesla Motors Club Forum - Powered by vBulletin forum for more info
The Model S is about $25,000 out of my price range. But I'm still very interested in the vehicle and the company because I'm hoping they'll make a car under $30,000 eventually. I just bought a 2010 Honda Insight. But I'm hoping by the time my new car is paid off, there will be a Tesla on the market that I can afford.
Understood, I think it'll be at least 2014 or 2015 before we see the Bluestar/Model T, or whatever they decide to call their "affordable" EV sedan. Even though they're advertising it at $50k for the Model S, you'll still have to finance or pay the $57,400 up front and wait for your $7500 Tax Credit...and that assumes you get the most basic/cheapest model they make and that the price doesn't creap up over the next 2 1/2 years. I do have one reserved and am fully expecting my cost to be at least $60k after the Tax credit--if I qualify. I'm fortunate to be able to afford the cost, but I feel that by doing my part to support the Model S and Tesla the chances of you getting your Bluestar in a few years is increased. BTW, here's the YouTube of the Elon/Letterman segment...
That's fine because I'll have my 2010 Insight paid off in 2014. So hopefully the new car will be ready then or shortly after. I tend to agree, and thank you much.
Letterman's job is to poke fun at everything. I think he seemed relatively mild during that interview. Elon spoke eloquently. I'm dreaming that long range electric cars will be affordable for the masses within the next 10 years, swiftly followed by the necessary infrastructure changes.
Do you get a free bottle of Elon,Musk for Men when you buy a Tesla, Jayus,Letterman...what a plank,should have fried him!!
Yes I was annoyed by that too. However, after watching it a few times, I realized that Elon was just saying that to set Letterman up for the electrocution joke. In other words, the one important point Elon wanted to make was that you shouldn't touch the car. Get it? I know, dumb joke.