Okay, the smart key is snazzy. I never need to take my keys of out of pocket, which is great, especially when coming out of the grocery store, or on really cold days. EXCEPT . . . I have to take them out to lock the doors! Is there a setting to automatically lock when the SmartKey is out of range?
Nope, but you're right, you never have to take the keys out of your pocket. To lock the doors (with the keys in your pocket), just press the little black button on either of the front door handles, or on the hatchback.
Or do what i do sometimes. reach in your pocket and push the lock button on the remote as you walk away from the car. Smart key never leaves your pocket and you know the the car is locked because you hear one beep.
Nope. But I've worked around this. If you practice a little bit, you can press the black, square button on the outside of the driver's door as you're closing it. When it shuts it'll beep and you'll hear the doors lock. I do this so well my friends are always confused about how the doors know to lock when I get out... but only when I want them to. Give it a shot, it solved this problem for me. - Scott
I usually hit the "Door lock switch" on the inside of the door as I'm getting out of the car. It locks all the doors.
There is an advantage of using the SKS black button to lock the car as you exit instead of using the inside lock button. Both will give you a beep to let you know that the car is locked, but the black button will only lock the car if it is otherwise properly secured; if not properly secured pressing the black button will result in a long warning beep to inform you that all is not ok. The car will lock only if it is off, no fob has been left inside, and all doors/hatch are fully closed.
I find that if the inside lock button is used to lock the car, my smartkey/touch-doorhandle will not unlock it. I then have to use the metal key to open the car.
I think you jumped into conclusion. When you lock the Prius (either from inside or by pushing the black pad), there are a few seconds period that the sensor pad is not functioning. This is by design so that you can check if you indeed have locked the doors by pulling the handle. After the few seconds pass, the sensor touch pad becomes active. I just went to garage and checked it. As zenMachine said, what you described is not the typical behavior.
I will report on two conditions that I have experienced: 1. What I have alleged previously. Perhaps I have jumped TO a conclusion. I tried and cannot duplicate that condition. (Although I'm 82, I'm not ready to jump INTO conclusion yet.) 2. This one is for real and has happened numerous times: My wife will wait in the car while I enter a store in a shopping center. For security, she will lock the doors by pressing the inside lock button. When I return neither the SKS function nor the button on the fob will unlock the car. I then do have to use the metal key, when she gets confused on which way the rocker switch unlocks. This condition is understandable because she has the duplicate fob in her purse. So I guess the rationale is that when the fob is in the car not only can you not lock the doors electronically, but neither can you unlock them, i.e. the electronic options are disabled.
The only way to unlock a running car from the outside is with the metal key itself. Neither the black door button or the button on a FOB will work. An interesting side note that has been written about before on here, is the "leave it running" procedure. Where you can roll down the window, exit the car, reach in through the window and lock it with the button on the armrest, then pull the window button so it closes automatically. Voila, sealed locked car that is still running. Remember to take the key with you, LOL. And of course I attach the usual disclaimer ... "Do not try this yourself, I am a trained professional." My wife and I did this in Key Largo/Key West on vacation a couple of times because she is a picture taker. We got out to take pictures for a few minutes at various locations and wanted to keep running the A/C. It was nice to get back into a nice cool car. Ema was never out of sight when we went walking for her picture taking but I always wondered what would happen if someone stole her. They could drive her anywhere but the minute they turned her off they would be screwed because there weren't any keys in the car. Of course I would be devastated to have her stolen but it could be slightly humourous. Happy driving, Chris
It's nice there's that little delay after you push the button. It's like the Prius guys did it on purpose because they like to close doors with a bit of finesse, too .