I really didn't want to be the first to post this as all you folks that have Prius on order will want to know weather yuor dealer has earned your car....since this allocation will not show up on dealer daily for a couple more days, your sales guy will tell you the car's haven't been allocated yet. Yesteday, Toyota email us our "lap-top" allocation including 2010 Prius. The laptop allocation is essentialy a note promising this car and that, it allows the dealer to request changes to their allocation and turn down inventory that is not needed. Our allocation showed two Prius: 1223: FE/CF and 1225: EJ/CF. Both cars had a staus of "9999" which means they're on a boat and about 4 weeks from arriving at the dealership. I also spoke with my District Manager who suggested we might see up to 8 Prius on the next allocation, which I imagine to be right at the end of May or first week of June. Arrival of the next 8 will be near the end of June I'd expect. Have a lovely Tuesday. I'm takin the afternoon off! Nate
Is there a quick & dirty master list of what the letter designations stand for? Got CF... EJ? FE? Others.... Are these all considered port installed options? And finally, are there any of these options that can be 'undone' if not desired by the final purchaser? Understand that some things are actually attached or installed, but mats for example. I want them, but. Are they all 'take it or leave it' matters for most dealerships?
2Q All Weather Mats 3Z First Aid Kit 7R Emergency Assistance Kit 9G Cargo Tote EF Rear Bumper Applique GN Cargo Net
Thanks for the info; a big knock to my hopes of having a 2010 by June. Sounds more like July or August. Oh well....