I want to debadge the 2001 hybrid sign and add the new style hybrid synergy drive one. What would I use to debadge it without ruining the clear coat paint? To make it more clear, I'm trying to remove the same thing as the g37S badge shown above (but for my hybrid sign of course). Thanks in advance!
Grab a heat gun or a hair drier and heat up the badge to the point where the double sided sticky tape starts getting nice and loose. Use a plastic putty knife or a credit card and use it if needed to remove the badge slowly. Once removed, you can use WD-40 or Goo Gone to remove the remaining sticky stuff. This is assuming the badge on your Prius is just on with double sided tape.
While I am not a fan of removing OEM badges, I understand that there are those of us who may actually prefer it that way. Besides, a Prius body style is very recognizable by the emergency personnel should it ever be in a serious accident so taking the badges off may not be a big issue as it is when removing from other hybrid vehicles that actually need them for proper identification. In any case, I would suggest the use of dental floss to remove the badge. If done carefully while the car's surface is cool to the touch, the badge should come off without much leftover residue or any damage done to the paint. Cheers; MSantos
thanks. I used floss to get the decal off and then wd40 to get the glue off..took some scrubbing but got the whole job done in under 2 minutes..then i washed the car with cold water. hopefully there is no wd40 residue left over.
pria, Debadging is very simple and requires no special tools. As to dental floss and heat guns. Not needed. Dental floss is used to cut through the double-sided sticky tape that holds the badge on. Unfortunately, this method leaves the back side of the tape stuck to the car. Now you have to use some kind of solvent to get it off. Why bother? Getting the badge and the supporting body work warm will definitely make the job easier. Just park the car with the badge in the direct sun with temps above 70degF. If you want a little warmer, just hold a folded up wash cloth over the badge and carefully saturate it with very hot water for 5 min. This way there is no danger from over heating/blistering the paint with a heat gun. Once everything is warmed up, just grab the offending badge at one end with your finger nails and pull gently but relentlessly. With a credit card or other thin plastic object push against the stretched tape where you are pulling outward. Very slowly at first, the tape will pull away cleanly from the paint. Continue, repositioning where you pull so that you don't bend or break the badge. Just keep at it, slowly but surely. When your fingers get tired, just stop and let the badge reheat in the sun. :rockon: This method works well for more solid badges. For badges with thin portions,like the Circle-Ts on hood and lift gate, you need to make up a thin hook to reach behind the thin sections to pull. Note if this is not enough info, there are lots of debadging threads. Just use the search tool with "debadging." Hope this helps.
thanks but i think you posted right after i updated its off now now i have to find where to buy the hybrid synergy decals
A friend of mine did his Chrysler 300 in a few minutes with fishing line. Came off fairly easily and then just used some car polish on the area followed up with a good wax and there was no damage at all...
This is such a common question that I put my answer at the top of my emblem deletion page: Prius exterior rear Not much new from what has been said here. It is very easy. You have to actually work at damaging the clearcoat if that's what you'd like to do.
I'm thinking I'll debadge the 'Toyota' on the back. That'll make it a little more 2010 Prius-like. =P (I'd need to shift the HSD logo and the "Prius" to make it more accurate though)
Its a great idea, just make sure to hit it with wax afterwards. If it does get scratched while you remove it just use a nice polish a some elbow grease and it will smooth out the clear coat.