On the G2 prius, if you get the 15inch, you get crappy suspension, and with the 17inch wheels/touring you get the "tunned" suspension. will this happen on the 2010 as well if you get the 15inch wheels instead of 17inch? I heard they all had the same improved suspension for the 2010, but im not sure... Is there something you lose if u get 15inch instead of 17? besides the good looks?
OK, so with the 17" rims you get tighter steering with a brush-less steering motor 2.5 turns lock to lock. With the 15" rims 3.5 turns lock to lock and regular steering motor.
Suspension tuning will eventually be the same for both, as will steering programming. Rack may be different though.
When i asked about the suposedly loss of mpg with the 17inch with the person that was with me while driving the 2010 on the SanFrancisco event, he confidently said that losing that much was false and incorrcect, he said that you barely lose anything. About .5 mpg he said.
Great! I hope he's right. The numbers came from the chief engineer's logbook at the Detroit event, but who knows how much testing those graphs were based on, and how controlled the conditions were, relative to the 15". However, it does seem consistent with what others have reported on the Gen II car.