I guess my point is that the Gen3 will be for people that have been looking at buying a hybrid and don't currently own one. Unfortunately for Toyota, Gen2 Prius owners will not flock to Gen3 like they did to Gen2.
I've had my Ford Sport Trac for 7 years and I'm just tired of the car, the gas mileage, and the upkeep. Up until I read about the Prius (on PC) I was looking to purchase a Cadillac CTS. They are great looking cars. But I've had it with GM, Ford and Chrysler. I've bought American cars, for myself, exclusively for the past 30 years. The quality just isn't there. I bought my daughter a Honda Civic 10 years ago when she needed a car for high school and it was the best (most trouble free) car I have ever purchased. When I started reading about the 2010 Prius I was sold. I've put down a returnable deposit and am just waiting for my car to get here.
It would cost me about $15,000 out of pocket to trade my 2006 for a new 2010. I like the 2010, but my 2006 has a lot of good miles left, and for $15,000 I can wait for awhile. Tom
I'm curious about those who won't be buying the 2010 because it's so similar to Generation 2 Prius. While I agree with comments about not wanting to be a sucker to buy a first year vehicle (truth be known, I've never bought a brand new car - I usually get one a couple years old to let someone else take the depreciation hit), I question those who don't think the 2010 is significantly better. I agree that a 10% improvement in mileage is nothing to write home about. But the additional safety features and available options are pretty significant. Under the hood there's a lot more going on too - as things have become simpler - reportedly making it even more reliable. So I won't be buying a 2010 either (...I just bought my 2007 about a month ago), but it's not because it's not significantly better than the one I have now.
"Significantly better" is a relative term. One obvious factor in judging whether a new model's improvements are "significant" is the cost. For $5k more, the upgrade might be quite significant. For $15k, not so much. Cost seems to be the main reason why even some Gen II owners on this board (and, I think, the vast majority to Gen II owners in general) will pass on the 2010.
I will be buying the new 2010. I may also buy a used G2 Prius or two as well. I love these cars. My 2007 is dynamite and I think it pays for itself better than any other car I have owned (yeah, "pay for itself" is a relative espression). It's the only car I can envision making payments on and the first car loan I have ever had in my 47 year lifetime. I'm going to pass on the 2007 to one of my sons, buy the other a used G2, and get a new 2010 for myself. Then I'll be happy.
I won't be buying a 2010 Prius because I just bought a 09 Camry Hybrid last Saturday. I wanted a Prius but I also wanted a sunroof too. Taking into consideration the cost of a sunroof in the 2010 Prius and the deal they gave me on the Camry Hybrid, (cash off and rebate) it made way more sense for me to go for the Camry and put my 2001 Cadillac Deville out of it misery. Hope this Toyota runs a little longer than the Caddy did before it starts to bleed me to death. UGH Maybe a used Prius in my future when the lease is up on the wifes Grand Cherokee next year.
Geez. Here I am still driving the 2001. That'll teach me to get the first year vehicles. Guess I need to set my sights on the the Gen 7 Prius.
Well, I was holding out for the Volt, or a plugin Prius, but the Volt looks to be expensive, and the company looks to be in trouble. So I just decided that realistically even if the Volt came out today, I would probably wait 5 years from now to make sure I would be buying it off of a viable company. I have always felt connected to the Prius, because I feel Toyota was on the game, when GM was too busy sabotaging the game like a kid who's upset the game isn't going his way. I really wanted a plug, but oh well. I also don't have my 06 Hybrid because my mom wanted it. I test drove a 2010 yesterday, and signed a few minutes after pulling into the lot. It just feels awesome, I can't even explain it. It just feels like an awesome car. (This is compared to my BMW, and the 06 Prius I drove to prepare for the comparison.) It feels so refined and proper! It just fits me, I cannot wait.
love the looks of the 2010 but can not come up with the bucks. the 05 is doing fine and putting out 48mpg mostly. I envy those who get a new one. but I am thrilled with the 05..
I ran the TRADE in numbers for my 07 with 23K miles. Edmunds was $17,600 KBB was $15,850. 2K difference ???? Hard to believe your basic same car, with 50K miles different, could be so far apart. Mine is a pkg #2 with a Toyota CD changer added. Used Prius prices seem pretty strong in L.A. Carl
There is no debugging its a Toyota. The longer you wait the wider the trade in gap grows and in two years when people can buy a used 2010 what do you think your car will be worth.
I am trying to decide if it is better to get a 09 with a 1000 off and 0% fin. or get a 2010. i still have not made up my mind that the 2010 is 1000's of dollars better that a new 09. i just dont want to buy an 09 and next year kick myself in the butt. i wonder if next year at this time the 2010 will be at 0% and 1000 off.
The deprecation of the 09 verses the 2010 in the next couple of year will be HUGE and what save you will lose and much more .Trust what I am saying. The demand for the older Pruis which decides the market is going to seriously drop.
call me dumb, but say that again. even with the 1000 off and the 0% finance you still think that i will lose money with the 09 because the demand will be for the 2010.
The Ford Fusion Hybrid has the quality you are looking for. My wife and I compared the Camy Hybrid to the Fusion, and the Fusion is a better overall buy, including quality (I think Ford gets it, and none too soon). As for me, I love my 2009 Prius Touring.
I think you are right. For example, If you get the 09 Touring with options. it may be worth MORE in a few years in trade over a 2010 base.
My last American new car purchase was a '69 Chevy Wg...a beautifully operating car until 100k mileage when engine oil seal deteriorated and carb went south. Started buying used toyotas and Hondas in mid-70's. Wife and I are seriously thinking of buying 2010 Prius to replace her almost 14-year old Avalon (113500mis). The Av. has been a marvelous car in all respects. We will expect the same from a Prius later on this year.