Hi to all, maybe I will have a chance to move in the US for some time, and i really don't want to get rid of my 2007 prius, does anyone have any tip about painless temporary importing and docs conversion needed for the deal? Thanx everybody Rob
Hi Rob, It will not be cost-effective to import your vehicle to the US if it doesn't have decals that show the car is compliant with US EPA and FMVSS standards. You would be better off selling your car there, then buying a vehicle after you arrive in the US. See the following website: http://foreignborn.com/visas_imm/entering_us/7importingyourcar.htm Good luck with your move.
Prius is cheap in USA compared to EU prices. New and used. Sell it in EU, convert EURos to dollars and buy another one in USA. Most probably for the price of used one in EU, you will almost get a brand new one in USA.