I met up with some friends today. Put the car in park, got out and then rode off in my friend's car. Came back to my car 12 hours later and the car was still on, lights still worked, and amazingly it did not run out of gas. Did I do any damage to the car? The engine was not even warm. I was very concerned about possible carbon monoxide build up inside the car. I drove home with all the windows opened. What do you think, besides me being a total airhead.
Thanks. I needed the reassurance. I couldn't believe it when I got back to my car. It only used up 2 pips on the gas tank. Not too bad for being on for 12 hours!
Quite a few people actually keep their cars on to run the A/C or Heater while they sleep at rest stops or campgrounds (taking proper precautions of course) so your moment of forgetfulness is no big deal.
did you leave the radio and a/c on?... with a/c on it's about a gallon every 6 to 8 hours.. otherwise it's about 1 gallon every 10 to 12 hours (parties off grid with my prius as a boombox) wait.. worried about buildup in the car?.. i've slept in my car too.. several times. a prius engine doesn't really get...."HOT"... if sitting with the hood closed and a/c on.. you'll hear the radiator fans kick on every once and a while.. but not for very long at all...
I thought I locked it. I was getting pickup from a friend and had a whole bunch of stuff to put in her car, so it is possible that I didn't. I usually try to listen for the beep when the door locks. I will be more careful in the future.
Welcome to the "club"; based on the members that have admitted to leaving their cars running, you have a lot of company.
I have a 2002 Prius and I just did it yesterday! HAHAHAHA!!! I have done this about 9-10 times. Don't feel left out, happens to a lot of us quite often actually. Don't worry, no damage done, and my car is 7 years old! Still running!
First of all, as everyone else has said, welcome to the club. I too have left my car powered on accidentally. It's just too darned silent. Perhaps if there were some kind of "bell". . . . Secondly, it's possible that you went through the motions of locking the car as you normally do. What you might have missed was the car automatically unlocking itself. It does this when you attempt to lock it while still powered on. If you were distracted and not expecting it you might have missed it. Thirdly, how many other cars can be accidentally left on for 12 hours and only use a gallon or two of gasoline? Pretty cool, huh?
Been there, done that, just after we got it. Went to dinner at a friends house just after we got it. Later that evening, lights on, motor running..... oops.
I've never left my Prius running because I have to turn it off to take the fob out of the dashboard. No smart key see. I have also left my car in ready mode while I sleep in the car, love that climate control!! CO2 build-up is a non issue if parked outdoors.
The real danger in this is that a joyrider may drive it away. Carbon monoxide will not collect in the cabin unless the car is left running in a completely enclosed space that has no outside ventilation.
Been there, done that... Walked out to my car and powered it up to use the cell phone/BT. My buddy came to pick me up and I forgot to hit the power button. Came out again 6 hours later and couldn't figure out why the ICE was running. Oh well.
Yes ... don't feel stupid about leaving the prius on ... feel stupid if you tried to monoxide yourself using the pirus ... now THAT would be stupid ... might as wait for old age & the grim reaper.
Reminds me of the movie "Better off Dead" when Lane Meyers tries to kill himself by CO poisoning in the family car.... and fails. lol
If the Prius is parked without the A/C on, the only load is the electrical load from the computers. This will gradually draw down the battery until it hits two bars, then the engine will run for a few minutes to top it off. As said, the only real danger is someone stealing it.