I'm selling my subwoofer box. It goes n the passenger side wheelwell the subwoofer is a 12 inch jl w-series driver. 5 -7 layers of fiberglass on the whole enclosure. 2inch port hole. The box fits right in the wheel well space and still allows the storage area cover to be lifted for easy access. Painted black with a red grill. Make me an offer!
I'll get a picture up tonight. I don't have an asking price yet... i'm a little unsure. It took me a few days to make... plus the expense for mdf, paint, wire, clips, fiberglass, bondo, sandpaper... I'd like offers around 300-400, but let me k,now what it's worth to you. With the right amp, this sub will hit hard. It could use a port tube, currently it's just a hole... pics tonight.
You should list the exact model of the subwoofer so that people can get an idea of how good of a deal this is. Nearly every sub JL makes is a "W" series sub. W0,W1,W3,W6,W7,W0v2,W1V2,W3v2,W6v2 etc... This would also help the buyer determine if that box should even use a port or not and if so how to chose the correct port size. Ported boxes require more airspace than a a sealed box does.
I could be interested, however, shipping to Canada might be more expensive than the product itself ? I have a non-stealth sub-woofer 12" - it's friggin' huge. Makes every piece of plastic rattle in the Prius. The installer tuned-down the frequencies quite a bit. Of course, my wife *hates* it.