I suspect that I'm not the only Prianista to be sent this via email from Toyota. But on the outside chance that I'm somehow on some special list, this for your enjoyment: New Prius Comes Out to Play Monday, May 4, 2009 11:00 AM "See what happened when one Prius fan took a spin in the 3rd generation Prius. Find out exactly what the available Intelligent Parking Assist does and how the Touch Tracer Display works by watching him and his friends interact with all the new features. Cameras were there to capture every action and reaction from the moment the soon-to-be-released cars rolled off the truck. "Watch now:" @Toyota: Behind the Wheel
New Prius Comes Out to Play Monday, May 4, 2009 11:00 AM "See what happened when one Prius fan took a spin in the 3rd generation Prius. Find out exactly what the available Intelligent Parking Assist does and how the Touch Tracer Display works by watching him and his friends interact with all the new features. Cameras were there to capture every action and reaction from the moment the soon-to-be-released cars rolled off the truck. "Watch now:" The car shown has both LED Headlights/Parking Assist AND a solar roof. Anyone know what the story is?
Two different cars. The halogen headlights have projector beams as well. The indicator in the US for LED's are fog lights below the turn signals in the bumper. One of the blue cars was Prius V w/ AT, the other Prius IV w/ Solar.