The receiver cable that goes into the radio and into the Sirius Interface (TOY-SCI) is only like 2 feet long, so putting it under the back seat is out of the question. Unless I put the Interface in the glove compartment and the Tuner (SCC1) under the back seat because the SC Output cable is long enough, but then I might as well install everything in the glove compartment, but that isn't very good looks-wise. So is that my only solution? I looked at Best Buy, Radio Shack and an automobile audio store but they didn't have any extensions for it, and most just stared blankly at me. Thanks for any help in advance.
There are options. Once the glove box is out, there's a little room to the side b/w the radio and glove box and you may be able to velcro the interface there. Then run the cable beneath the glove box, under the door trim, to the back of the car somewhere.
You need to disregard the part of Toyota's Sirius installation that shows the receiver going under the back seat. Tuck both the SCC1 and TOY-SC1 units in the dash on the far right behind the air vent. Run the cable from the antenna to the SCC1 unit.
Kroser has it right...i put mine to the right of the glovebox, in the vent's fairly spacious in there. Then just ran the cable to the radio up along the top. Works like a champ.
That is what I did great. You can mount the 2 boxes on the right hand side not problems. Run your antenna cable...I purchased a shark fin and put both the stock antenna and the Sirius antenna under it. Looks cool... "0" problems with reception either on radio or Sirius.
I happen to have a spare, full length cable that came with my second XM radio (had to replace the tuner because it went bad after 4 years, and had to buy a new fit kit as well). I assume it will work with Sirius radio, and can send pics of the cable ends if necessary. If you're willing to buy it from me, please email [email protected]
The under the back seat instructions were for the Gen I factory receiver. The TOY-SC1 has to go under the dash.