Awwwww that's cute. When I was about that age, I'm sure I did the same thing. Pigs are actually very friendly creatures, so are cows
Man, all this about swine flu. At least its helping boost San Diego's economy....all those diverted cruise ships comin into our port. The ER waiting rooms are packed with people complaining of Shortness of breathe, fever, etc... Everyone thinks htey have it now.
No, it's cute. Again, animals like pigs and cows tend to be *very* friendly, especially if you treat them well (Duh!). When I was a kid, around 9 or so, milking my grandparents cows, she would actually reach around and start licking my head Maybe I just have that "special" touch with the ladies?
Hey Honey, check this out. That Hormel kid is Frenching the pigs again, and I don't mean Mustard!!! Next thing a know he'll be Makin Bacon!!!
Maybe it's one of those "pick-out-your-food-for-slaughter" places similar to restaurants that serve live lobsters. Only here, it's pigs. Obviously this young gentleman is a true foodie and doesn't just rely on presentation when selecting his delectable, doomed swine.
Oh bunny, stay away from chickens. Those beaks are *sharp* Ducks are ok though, they're usually pretty calm too Whatever you do, avoid geese at all costs. They are mean and cranky. They *will* bite the hand that feeds them! When I was a kid on my grandparents farm, they had a bull that was very friendly to me, but only to me. Anybody else had to be cautious around the bull, but he was completely friendly for me In the pasture he'd follow me like a dog. One day he probably chased my grandpa one time too many, because he ended up in the freezer
Ducks are cool. There were ducks in a pond across the street from the campus when I was in college. If you sat still for a while they'd come right up to you.
They are also a bit dim. I ran over a duck on my way to work once, it just stepped into the road at the last possible moment. What was sad was the duck's partner stayed for days afterwards beside that spot, as the remains of the duck was getting flatter and flatter as each vehicle drove over it.
Ducks are usually very gentle and friendly birds. Unfortunately, as noted, they're not the brightest bulbs on the tree
We have every intention of completely avoiding swine flu by using MMS (google it). On another note, who here has finally done all those things that they said that they wouldn't do "until pigs fly?" Well, Swine Flew, dude.