I, like some others on this forum, may be in a quandry. Certain to purchase a 2010 Prius... but concerned about availability in June / July and "sales tactics" by many dealers. James Healey is a prominent Auto expert and writes a column in the USA Today and reviews different new autos in every Friday's edition. He reviewed the 2010 Prius April 3. And FYI, today's review - the Volt. He also conducts and online Chat every Friday afternoon. I thought I'd take a shot and submitted a question, which he answered. USA TODAY's James R. Healey writes the Test Drive column, posted every Friday at: cars.usatoday.com. He has covered cars and the auto industry for USA TODAY since January 1988. He test drives about 100 cars and trucks a year. Talk live with Jim about his auto reviews and get his opinion on cars and trucks. Submit your question for James Healey Friday, May 1, 2:00 PM ET -------------------------------------------- Orlando Florida: James, I plan to purchase a hybrid in a few months -target cost around $25K. Been following the progression of the 2010 Prius, including your review a while back. Would this be a good time to purchase? The Angel tells me Yes; Go for it - latest technology. The Devil; No; wait a couple years. James Healey: Prius is brand new so there's a rush of gotta-be-firsters who'll keep prices up awhile. Once that's over, and assuming gasoline's still in the current range, now should be as good a time as any. If fuel goes back to $4, demand for Prius and its ilk booms and prices go up. On the other hand, increasing competition from Volt, Ford's planned plug-in hybrids, Chrysler's planned electrics and plug-ins -- all those starting next year --could help hold prices down by offering a larger array of choices. I'd never pay sticker or more, so if that's what you'd have to pay for your hybrid of choice now, I'd be against it. Otherwise: Life's short; drive what you like. --------------------------------------------------- I plan to follow his advice...
The review on the 2010 Prius is here: New Toyota Prius: More posh, more power and more mpg - USATODAY.com
Someone tell James that Chrysler is bankrupt. Do you really think they will go ahead with the plans for hybrid type vehicles ?? By the end of May you will find 2010 prius' everywhere. Just maybe not the exact models, color and options you want. Gas just dropped 5 cents this week and will drop more every week until Memorial day. Not to many people looking to drop $22000 + on a fuel sipping new car right now so dealers will be willing to deal.
The time to buy a 2010 is when you find a deal you are comfortable with. Before going to a dealership decide what price you are comfortable paying and stick to it...with the 2010 you are going to have a hard time paying anything less than sticker if you're chasing the delivery truck into the car lot (this may be different in your area if your dealer doesn't have pre-orders or you have purchased from them prior). If it's a frenzy at the dealership...you;ll be paying sticker. My suggestion if it looks like you may be able to negotiate based on lot activity (don't go there the first day the 2010 is on the lot...feel it out over a week or two)...go test drive a 2009 when the 2010's come in and "let" the salesperson talk you into the 2010 and leave it up to them to sweeten the deal on the 2010. If you don't get a deal you like in May, June or July then you'll have to wait. If owning a 2010 is that important to you to get it in May...then you pay the first cars on the lot price...very difficult to negotiate when 20 others are in line behind you willing to pay sticker. For the 2010 MSRP is actually pretty reasonable compared to what you are getting in return...a great car at 2009 Prius prices. The longer you wait...the more negotiating power you have. With all the pre-orders from people willing to pay sticker (or more) you can't expect to pay anything less than that until supply outweighs demand. Good luck...it's hard to fight paying sticker on something so highly anticipated! Understand that eventually, you will be in a 2010 at some point and as long as you are satisfied with the deal then you're even happier driving it for years to come!
Amen Matt. I plan to be there the first day if possible and am fine with sticker. It is a fantastic car and worth it.
Matt, Thanks very much for your wise advice. Personally I don't need to quickly replace my current vehicle, Lexus RX. But seriously want the '10 Prius, and don't need to be a get-firster (in Healey's words). Just don't desire to be played by dealers here in Central FL, part of the SE Distribution network. Rather not be part of the forced port/dealer add-on packages and various outrageous "fees". Paying MSRP is absolutely no problem for me, and I would expect the dealer, and distribution chain to make a reasonable profit. BUT please don't ask me to bend over while writing out the check... When living in Massachsetts in '99, we wanted the just-released Lexus RX. The (only) two dealers in the Boston area insisted on $2500 over MSRP and wouldn't budge. I found that Longo Lexus east of L.A. had a great internet sales dept, and bought from them. The exact vehicle I desired, $2500 UNDER MSRP - a great deal, even with the $1K transport fee across the U.S. If the dealers around here insist on playing exorbitant $$$ games, I would be happy to purchase from a reputable Toyota dealer within 1K miles of FL - fly to pick up. If it comes to that, I would probably ask for input from the fine folks here.
Patience is a virtue my friend! If you are willing to "fly" to get a 2010 Prius then you have the entire country at your disposal to find a great deal...I'd love to have that flexibility and purchase power. And fun too...the further away from home you find your Prius the further you have to drive home and enjoy the new vehicle! My hunch is the 2010's will do very well in terms of sales the first month or two (or more) until the frenzy wears off (as long as gas prices stay at current rates...which they are expected to do). Hey, plenty of time to test drive the 2010 for free before you find the deal you want!
Matt, two good posts in this thread,we have a couple of sayings here in Ireland and i'm sure other countries use them,for different situations,in this case in relation to the sale/purchase of a 2010, From a salespersons point:"Like taking candy from a baby" From a potential I want one now-er:"Like a child let loose in a sweet shop[candyshop]" Back in 04 when the G2 or Iconic hit our shores i test drove one but held off until 06 to purchase and glad i did,they sorted out some of the glitches,i'm not saying that'll be the same for the 2010 but i've only got 225,000klm on my 06 so maybe in another 250,000klm i'll consider a change,as i said in another post here in Ireland we don't have that same frenzy when new cars/models come out to play!!
Ireland...that's great. My mother's side of the family is Irish and she was there visiting a couple years ago! She can't wait to go back!
Seems a long drive home would make it difficult to follow one of the break-in recommendations - For first 621 miles - ... avoid constant cruising speed for extended periods of time ... -------------- I would not drive home hundreds of miles on a freeway with a new car / motor. I think most would get on a freeway to go home.
I wish I could wait, but will need a vehicle early-Summer. Paying MSRP hardly seems a victory, especially when comparing against heavily-discounted vehicles. Shoot, I could get an '09 at $1,400 off sticker PLUS the $500 rebate. Just not my first or second choice of color. And the new Prius carries some significant improvements. So I'll take the '10 plunge. A 4-yr finance smooths out the '10 premium by about $40/mo. Worth it to me.
With respect, financing a vehicle may not be a victory either. I paid little attention to the monthly payment. You may want to ask if they defer payment due dates if you pay extra. I look at is as - 'I owe this much debt, how fast can I pay it off?' Luckily, $10k paid off in 8 months, after $17k down. Nearing the home stretch with $4,400 left. The company holding my title can only hit me for $5 / week in finance charges and I don't owe a payment unitl October 2011. Nothing to brag about though, I'm not proud of spending so much money. Still, I've got the car, I want the title. Then there's ongoing insurance and registration. These new cars are by no means inexpensive.
I'm new to the forum. My wife and I will be needing a new car at the end of May. I've driven more than a few other cars including the Insight. But the 2010 Prius looks to be the one that will work best for us. We are worried that the dealers will try and overcharge us. But the dealership has told us very clearly the price will be MSRP no more, no less on a 2010. They will do a great deal on a 2009 but that car did not work as well for us. I hope that we can get the car for MSRP since we presently only have 1 car in the family at the moment. I have no problem paying MSRP since I do need it right away.
The frenzy will be confined to the "gotta be first ... gotta have it now" crowd, which should last for about 2 months. That should be the time when the "I want a deal" buyer should be able to get a really good one on a 2009 Prius G2!
Exactly,I was in my local Toyota dealer last Thursday and they have the Next Generation Avensis but they're still selling it's predecessor along side it,the new one will set you back €26,500,the old model with the same spec is on for €19,500 and i'm sure it could be had for less especially in these days of economic doom and gloom.
I think it would be smart to get on a waiting list ASAP for a 2010. I don't know, but the 2010 could be hard to get. And if there are more buyers than cars available (like last summer) a 2010 could be a long wait to get.
I agree...and gas prices aren't even that high so the only people on the waiting lists are mostly true Prius fans. Any increase in gas prices will start drawing in the "panic button drive it and buy it consumers." Even if you get on the list at this point and don't get the 2010 til late summer or early fall it gives you plenty of time to familiarize yourself with the car via test dries, find the best location and price to buy it, read feedback reports on this site and others and hit the ground running when your hindquarters finally get in the cockpit.