50/48 for me. I get rid of the reflection on the windscreen with the dimmer. I just got chrome wheel skins, they look great!! but just a vanity thing. Mostly have fun with it. Now, a name?
How about Vanna White? Congrats on your new Prius. I just got one, too. Learning a lot from lurking around here...
Nashville ! Oh NO! . . . not another! Just kidding ~ my daughter & husband just bought on Rexdale, West of the airport, about 1 1/2 years ago. WAY into country music. I still haven't figured out what country that IS though ... she just got her dream job, working for Sugarhill recording studio ... or something like that. Anyway ... what ever you do ... do NOT drive by their house yelling, "look what my DAD just bought me!" or it'll all be over for me. Enjoy you Prius ... we've loved ours since 2004.
Name her, frenchi Congrats you look happy mine is either spooky or casper as it in service date was Halloween
And why bother naming ships? CVN-69 and NCC-1701 should be just fine. Who needs Enterprise? Just mechanical devices.
YES! You should name your car for sure! Somehow cars are just so, personal, a name just seems befitting. My cars name is Preston which evolved from my being so impressed with it. For your new baby, my immediate thought was of "Franz" - that's a brand of bread here on the West Coast - not sure how far it reaches. It's jingle was "Franz bread, the good bread, flavor beyond compare" Let us know what you decide.
Yup! Sometimes people report falling over after the cover pops loose though so be careful you don't hurt yourself. I simply grabbed a stout section and pried the whole cover off. The rims will look a bit smaller overall but they are much nicer looking than the covers IMO.