So on Friday my parents sent me out to the garage to "get a loaf of french bread," parked where my Dad's truck normally is was a brand new '09 white Pruis. So now I'm in the club! It's a package #6. I'm still thinking of a name for it... anyone else name their cars? Anything I should know upfront about these things? Good to meetcha all.
Oh, I should say that it was replacing the 01 Jetta that I had before (in the first picture) that car was nearling 130k miles and was starting to scare me a little...
Given the color and circumstances, I should think a French word for "white roll" or "white bun" would be appropriate for a name. Tom
Call it "Wonderbread", of course you will have to paint various colors of "Polka Dots" all over it! Welcome to the club!! Enjoy the ride!!! However, how are you going to fit the Jetta in that trash can???
Haha, I think I wanna personify it... I mean it does talk to me. We're actually donating the Jetta to a single mothers shelter I think... No need to throw it away, it'll still get around town.
Shapiro...........I named my '09 Super White Package 3 "Eleanor." I love her!!! No real problems with her; I've had her since January. I never thought I could enjoy driving a "hybrid" so much.....she really is a techno-marvel. Welcome to PC. Come back often. There's lots of good information here for us "gals." By the way, be sure to check out all the secret storage compartments your baby has. It is amazing!!
Congrats! Hang out around here and see what you can learn from these amazing people. The more you learn they more you'll come to love this little package of techno-marvel!
Agreed! Here is what the older Prius looks like without the wheel covers.. Are you watching this Sandy?
yeah it was a total suprise, I hadn't even ASKED for a new car... with the vehicle deals right now they said the "time was right" to buy a car... and as mentioned before the Jetta was starting to give up. I do not know man, I'm still euphoric... and just wanna drive it all the time.
That's a non-useful change. I'm not into the vanity side, so my first change (after inflating the tires to 40/38 of course) was flipping the rear-view mirror upside down so it didn't block my forward vision as much (doesn't work if you need to go to the dim setting though). Then taking off the tab from the back wiper so I can lift it up and leave it up while cleaning the back window, and taping in a glare blocker on the dash to get rid of the green glow at night right in front of my eyes. Then I was happy.
Names are for dogs, cats and people, not cars. That's what VINs are for. Did you name your Ipod, your Toaster, your 8-track player?...whoa, now I'm dating myself. It is just a car, another mechanical device, after all.
You'll get better MPGs (but a rougher ride) if you inflate your tires above the manufacturer suggestion. Most of us run 42 front / 40 rear. Enjoy your new car!