Experts warn fuel prices could skyrocket again, the troubled environment is on everyone's mind, and the world economy -- well, the less said the better. So what kind of car will you be driving in the years ahead as you meet the challenges of the times? If plans by all major automakers fall into place, chances are it will be a hybrid vehicle. Despite a serious slump in auto sales -- ScotiaCapital's Global Auto Report last month says the big four manufacturers' retail volumes were down by 40% over last year -- carmakers are pouring serious long-term research and development dollars into hybrids. Like it or not, your next car may be a hybrid
Because the engine would just be dead weight. I want an electric car for city use and high-speed rail for long distance travel. The article's title is very misleading. "Like it or not, your next car may be a hybrid" and then they talk about 2020 and 2030 timeframes. I suspect most people will buy a car before then. As the article says, currently 2.5% of cars sold in the US are hybrids. I seriously doubt hybrids will make up more than 15% of total sales in 2015.
Hi All, Most new cars will eventually be hybrids. Because eventually it will become cheaper to make a BAS (Belt driven Alternator/Starter) , than a seperate Alternator and Starter. The BAS system is what makes a Malibu Hybrid a Hybrid. Its only because of the low volume proudction that GM charges like $3K for this system. If ALL Malibu's were made this way, the price would be comparible to what is in standard cars, except for the larger battery. Put in a smaller NiMH battery, enough to handle vehicle electrical loads and starting , and last the life of the car, and you would have the next generation standard car electrical system. BMW has seen this light, and is moving quickly to make it standard on all their cars. They call it "Efficient Dynamics"
It isn't just fuel prices. It's government-mandated reductions in carbon emissions that will force hybrids into the market in large quantities. This has happened in Europe, and it will happen here shortly as Global Warming becomes a national security issue. My advice is don't buy another ICE car. They are dinosaurs.
I am not sure that the next gen car will be electric (maybe next after next). But I am sure it will be a hybrid no matter which primary fuel will be used (gas, air, water, whatever). It's just makes perfect sense to have capability to accumulate unused energy instead of wasting it and use it when it's needed.
It says, "next" car. Where I live there is no viable electric car or highspeed rail for "long distance". Like you said, 2020 or 2030 is not my "next" car time frame. What's available now are hybrids, and therefore the only alternative that makes any sense, now, today, is a hybrid.
It also says "like it or not". Right now hybrids make sense to you, me and 2.5% of car buyers. The other 97.5% decided that hybrids didn't make sense for them. As long as people are willing or prefer to buy a conventional car, manufacturers will make them. I see no scenario where "Like it or not, your next car may be a hybrid". If we are talking the 2020 to 2030 time frame there is absolutely no reason for the US not to have a nation-wide high-speed rail system. It makes far more sense than any type of automobile.
The common complaints are - * they cost more than conventionals * The big battery wears out and costs thousands to replace >> I just checked the cost of a 2009 battery - $2,588 not including installation. That's a chunk of change. ... and I've seen recent posts of ... my 2001 hybrid battery died !! remember ... hybrid is Not mainstream yet, but it's getting there. Hybrids will be mainstream when they offer a better value over conventionals. Many folks think it's kinda silly to pay thousands more up front for a hybrid, then have to earn it back in gas savings. And though you don't like it, most don't care all that much about polluting a bit more in a conventianal.
It's not necessarily going to be all about "better value over conventionals". Oil will continue to get more & more expensive as supplies dwindle & populations increase. Take the "Titanic" scenario. The ship's going down. A life preserver is better than nothing. If you got very little cheep fossil fuel, then the ICE is no longer 'best' ... any more than the Titanic is best, if there's a hole in the side. Folks WILL take the life preserver. You may see someone pull out blueprints for the space shuttle ... but take the life preserver ... because you don't really know if the space shuttle is coming. Hybrids, we got.
Eventually crude oil will become scarce I suppose, but ... I heard, even quite recently, there was so much excess crude oil, there are full tankers parked in in-numerable ports with no orders to sail. The supply outweighs the demand for now.