Saturday I started out on what was going to be a driving day. One stop at the mall to have my glasses repaired, and off I was going to go. Except on the way there (about a mile) I noticed the Energy Monitor had the battery down to 3 bars, and while the engine was sending power that way, it wasn't collecting. At the mall, I turned the Prius off and on, and while a short burst of charging happened, it stopped with still only 3 bars lit. So after I got my glasses fixed, I went home to see if I could get to work today instead of having fun yesterday. By the time I got home, I was up to 4 bars. The battery was still low this morning, but eventually charged more than half-way by the end of the 10 mile trip to work. After work, I drove around shopping and eventually it filled up and was green. If I hadn't been looking at the Energy Monitor, I never would have known anything funny was going on. Should I just ignore it next time, and hope everything goes well, or is there a known issue and I *should* be worried if the car isn't recharging to about the same point every time I drive it?...
Yes, ignore it...your battery never got low, just lower than you're used to seeing. If you take a nice long drive it will gradually recharge. The ECU won't let the ICE waste power recharging the HV batt unless it really must.
Three blue bars do not lindicate a low. battery. If the battery gets REALLY low, the last two blue bars will turn pink. Then the two pink bars go to one pink bar. That's as low as it gets. The engine will be charging the battery when the bars turn pink. I know this from my experience with driving steep slopes in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.
Consider the energy monitor a video game. You can play at trying to stay in electric mode, or you can play at trying to increase your mileage by half a mpg. Or you can just as well turn it off and keep your eyes on the road. If anything really goes wrong it's the dashboard warning lights that will tell you. No matter how low the battery goes, the car will still run fine. The car should not recharge to the same point evey time you drive it. It charges and discharges according to driving conditions. The battery stores energy that would be thrown away in a conventional car, and then returns it when appropriate. That's what it's for, and that's what a hybrid is. There was nothing at all wrong with your car. (Unless you own stock in an oil company!) It was doing what it is designed to do: run clean and save gas. - In the end, the energy display is just so you can show your friends, "Look how cool my car is!"
Until Saturday, it never sank to 3 bars and stayed there. Recovery from that makes me feel better about possible future incidents, up until the car won't move or something...