There's been some buzz that li-ion and/or plug-in technology is right around the corner for Prius. Some are predicting as early as next year. Depending on how much the new technology costs and when it arrives, it's possible that buying a new 2010 was a really dumb decision. So what are your predicitons? My guess is the 2011 will continue to use NiMH and have few distinctions from the 2010. Li-Ion with or without plug-in will be available on some 2012 models, but will cost at least a $5000 premium.
I'm hesitant to guess, but I'm definitely going to wait. I have an '05 and an '08 Prius. I'm going to trade in the '05 on a plug-in as soon as I can, but, as much as I love the new 2010 features, I don't love them enough to make the mistake of buying one with an NiMH battery when Li is around the corner. If I HAD to guess, I'd say they'll announce it in 2010 and ship by the end of that year. There's too much Li competition shaping up to wait longer than that. Richard
The beginning of the 2nd video at has Toyota's answer on the trials, prototypes, evaluation, etc. Both the first two posts are WAY too optimistic given the answer Toyota gave. However... it could just be a strategy of under promise, over deliver...
i doubt you will be able to get li-ion as upgrade without the plugin.. whats the benefit of that? 20kg lighter vehicle for $500 more? I just dont see it. as to the actual plugin, i very much doubt that anyone knows right now what exactly will it be... thats why they are running trials.
I wonder though when these plug-ins come out if dealers won't adjust for that rebate and charge a pretty penny over msrp to get one...
I guess li-ion with a light PHEV20 plug-in would be an upgrade model as early as 2013, but it must cost a high premium to get one, plus annoying daily recharge and a WOW on electricity bill. the design and technology of the upcoming 2010 model Prius are near perfect, I'll definately get one, and wait until for the next generation, or when the concept car 1/X becoming realistics.
Well, as someone interested in buying a 2010, I hope you're right. Who knows? Maybe the battery won't even be Li-Ion by the time plug-in arrives.
Hey guys don't waste your money on Li-Ion. The technology is still advancing. As of now no one has solved the degradation issue that these guys have.
I've wondered about the supply-demand for electricity if there is a mad rush for plug-in (not just Prius) cars in the next few years. It's conceivable the cost of electricity could skyrocket and oil prices drop to "cheap" prices. Just a thought...
I don't see Toyota bringing out a LI or plug in for at least 3 years. To the general public that is. The technology is not advanced enough for toyota to risk it's name association with hybrids. And Paradox, if dealers started selling them for over MSRP to try and steal some of the rebate money, I'm sure Toyota would take notice right away. Besides, dealers will be keeping each other in check on that. MSRP is there for a reason. It is the suggested price we should sell it for. To go over is just being gluttonous.
actually not really... big thing about plugins is that during night, in the usa, and everywhere around the world, a large portion of produced electricity is going to waste right now. So in most cases, it is going to be impact enviroment in Positive way. i am all for plugins, and i will be one of the first ones to buy one when it is ready... i just need to buy an house first so i have somewhere to charge it in . stupid europeans and our apartments
Batteries are improving every day Hitachi's battery has an output per kilogram of 4,500 watts [Hitachi Speeds Into Hybrids with World's Most Efficient Lithium-Ion Battery | Sustainability | Fast Company
well with the unveiling recently of a Tesla inspired/co engineered Smart fortwo with can bet at least 2012 prius will have Lion and an efficient plug in option on the market, if not sooner. To me the 2010 model is very nice, but just a stepping stone for what is to come with the prius..and is a good reason to wait...not to mention the 2010 is a new production year...which if anyone knows about cars...tend to have some issues.