All right, I have noticed a lot of Cat avatars, what's up with that. Especially since a lot of them are from Dudes?????? So you can answer what is up with cats and answer the poll. personally I own nothing that depends upon me for its life!!! I don't even know how I keep myself alive sometimes!!!!
Sorry......poll is defective in two respects: 1) Some folks here (myself included) have more than one of the pets listed yet you can only vote for one kind. 2) Pets actually own us......the poll question is reversed.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bookrats\";p=\"85458)</div> Jeff: I have an intestinal worm who if I don't regularly feed at least every 4 hours, he gets cranky and threatens to leave. How's *that* for gratitude? Jay
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Devil's Advocate\";p=\"85434)</div> Since a little kid, I've always had pets around: dogs, cats, horses, etc. In the grand scheme of things, a cat is the perfect pet for an urban environment: small, doesn't need to be walked, doesn't bark, etc. Or if you have a barn full of hay, a cat is perfect for keeping the rodent population in control. Far safer than using poison baits. I hope to get a horse soon for the hobby farm, and horses usually get along quite well with cats. At least you're honest enough to admit you don't want the responsibility of looking after a creature. Most folks will casually pick up a kitty or puppy, grow tired or bored of it after a month or so, and dump it somewhere like trash.
Well I did have an "other" category but forgot to hit the 'add' button again. The real question proposed here though is why would so many dudes have CATS for avatars?????? (I understand a cat is a good urban pet, I do think its kinda cruel when I se people in LA walking these monster dogs because I know they live in a crackerbox) Again, short version DUDES, CATS, AVATARS, WHY????
Why not? I suppose I should insert a pix of Boo Boo as my Avatar. I don't think it has anything to do with sexual orientation. Some folks are just really crazy about their critters and don't mind letting the world know about it. As far as critters, here is a small collection of actual living things I've looked after over the years: dogs, cats, geese, ducks, horses, cows, sheep, and chipmunks. In hindsight I probably should have kept the cats away from the chipmunks. Live and learn. I suppose if somebody here has an unusually strong affection for a Cirrus Design SR-22 with optional expensive Flight Director, they would probably post a picture of their little "baby" as an avatar. Relax, it's not a big deal. Just some folks who are nutty over their pets.
Cats are impossible to restrain to our yard, or house. Between coyotes and increasing 45-50MPH motor vehicle traffic, cats in our neighborhood are an endangered species. We experienced fewer rats, mice, moles and squirrels when we had the two cats, but are now limited to longer-living dogs. I haven't seen many watch-cats, either.
I was able to teach my cat to stay in the yard when I had the house in the Burbs. Actually he rarely went outside, he preferred staying inside. At the hobby farm he never ventures beyond the barn or to the driveway. He likes to stay in the barn if its nice out, probably due to the pigeons and chipmunks. That takes care of dogs too. Especially in rural areas here with wolves roaming around, even German Shepherds have to be careful. Some cats get really upset when a stranger is around. Mine will sometimes give off a very soft and low growl. If you want a noise-maker that will alert you to *anything* in the yard, get a pair of geese. Especially the Gander will raise quite a commotion if a person or other animal is near.
geee not much selection here. no pigs, snakes, turtles, hamsters or lizards. i have a turtle... dont know why... but the thing wont die. he's going on nearly 20 years old now. he never moves except to eat
Dave: Well, you never have to walk it or worry about hairballs, thats for sure. Though don't be surprised if it outlives you. Aren't there some giant tortoises on the Galapagos Islands who are at least 200 years old? No wonder they look all cranky and wrinkly. Jay
Jeff: Nah I bet once he found out how cruel the outside world can be, he'd track me down again. Intestinal parasites are good at that. Jay
Jay: Aren't they fairly cranky to have around? I had an encounter on a farm with geese when I was 6 or 7, and they scared the heck out of me. Yup -- wonderful creatures: [Broken External Image]: But probably chock-full of good advice!
Jeff: If you're a stranger, then you'll have an unfortunate encounter with them. For some reason geese just *hate* little kids, they'll hiss and flap their wings and go chasing after the poor kid. If you raise the geese from little goslings, or if you have them for several years as full-grown, they'll get used to you. They will actually become affectionate with you especially if you feed them a fresh lettuce. The only caveat I have to add is to avoid - at all costs - the Gander during mating season. He becomes quite protective of his goose and will naturally assume you're cutting in. Want to know why geese always honk and hiss at each other? They're not talking, they're *arguing* That's because they mate for life. I can only imagine the 250 year old talking to the "whipper-snapper" 50 year old: "In my day we had to walk uphill *both* ways to school in a blizzard ..." Jay
"Kid -- I knew Jacques Cousteau and Charles Darwin in my day. And all I'm saying is, these modern naturalists -- they're no Jacques Cousteau!"