Did anyone see the announcement on the Costal E Tech site. They announced a Bluetooth Enable add on for the Nav Mod. We will be able to use our phones if we wish! Good going Dave :multi: arty: :multi:
hdrygas, when did you hear about the bluetooth mod from Dave? Was it recently ? In the past week? Thanks, Pagile
Yea, where'd you see that announcement? I just went on their website, all they have is the NAV enhancement, no BT.
I just went to check and it is still there. Go to 2004-5 under Coming Soon second one on the list just above the Engine Run/ brake monitor. I also sent a email thanking them as I had previously requested they work on it and explained some of the Bluetooth issues. I received a response that confirmed that it is process. http://www.coastaletech.com/04prius.htm COMING SOON! Low Cost Multiple Auxiliary Audio Inputs for all Prius models! Bluetooth Enable for Nav Enhancement Kit! Brake and Engine Run Indicators Video Input options for your Prius screen Remote Hatch Opener using factory remote control Battery Saver Keep checking back as new kits are developed and added to the product line!
DanMan, Looks like there is no real further progress like you said. Just coming in the, who know how distant, future. Well I've waited this long so we'll see.
Yep they are slow. It is a Mom and Pop organization with growing pains, but they are the only people helping us. Let us give them a break and pray they get some help with the business end. I so far have no great complaints they have been up front and I am willing to support them.
Oh, I thought you were saying they had it now. That confused me. We know it was 'coming soon'. Guess you wanted publicly declared confirmation.
I'd be happy if they would just reply to emails or send out an update. I'm not comfortable with the fact that I sent them my cc number to preorder the NAV mod and have never been able to get any response from them. I know they are busy, but they should update those that have ordered the mod. Paul in West Palm Beach :|