Does anyone have pics they can share of their tinted windows? I am thinking about getting this done and was curious what it looks like on the Prius
Here are a few that I had access too. They were not taken with showing the tint in mind but gives you some idea.
I got the pricey huper optik - and the windshield was done too! here are some pics:
That looks very nice! When I got my car (this last Tuesday) the dealer had already put the tint on. Does the tint on the front windshild not cause any glare? I had always been told that the windshild could not be done (at least here in Texas)
Yes, the windshield is "outlawed" here in FLA too but the (reputable) tint guy said that the huper optik is so "perfect" and their 50% is very light compared to the regular 50% that it wouldn't matter. SOMETIMES (especially on an overcast day) it can look DARK to me but no one has stopped me in months. It has really helped on the heat coming in from the front. This car tinter guy wouldn't put anything but the huper on the windshield for that reason
Very nice Rocco, It's hard for people to see just how much better the Huper is. Even your pictures don't tell the whole story but better than I could have done by far. When i look out my huper tinted windows through polarized lenses,(Revo) I see just a hint of that spotty look that is usually much worrse with tinted glass. Do you get any of that and if so is it less with the 50% on your windsheild?
Where in FL are you? I've been stymied trying to find a Huper Optic installer in the Tampa area. Thanks.
I am in Tallahassee - I drove to Jacksonville - there's also a place in Naples - get on the huper website for their number to call for the fla distributor. I must not have polarized sunglasses (is that possible?) cause I don't see the spotchyness.