i have 2 spare smart keys that i might be selling but, i am wondering if these can be reprogrammed to match the purchasers car that is also equipped with the smart key option??? any info would be great thank you
No, they cannot be programmed as a smartkey. The fobs are not programmed. The car is programmed to recognize a 'new' fob. However, there is a programming technique where old smartkeys can be used in the slot to start the car.
To associate a smart key with a new car, the smart key must be in the first few cycles of its life. This is done as a security measure, but it means that your keys are of limited use. As the previous poster mentioned, you can use them as ordinary fobs, which must be inserted into the slot. Tom
My "new" 05 Prius only came with one smart key and no spare at all. What's the most economical way for me to get a spare - it doesn't have to be a smart spare. I believe dealer quoted me $250 for the key and $50 for programming. Yuck.
i can sell each key for $125 shipped if you buy both i can do for $225 shipped please PM me if interested thanx
Hmmm, My 2004 was about a year & 1/2 old when the SKS ECU got flakey. Once replaced, it, and 3 out of 4 of my sks fobs reprogramed. Do I get it? nope ... but I was still happy with the outcome. If anyone make sense of that, in light of the above posts, be my guest.
NO I'm saying after the dealer replaced the SKS ECU, 3 out of four, of my SILVER logo'd smart fobs re-programmed ... fully reprogrammed ... they do smart entry ... they start the car without plugging 'em into the dash slot, as well as remotely lock/unlock. The 4th still starts the car when I plug it into the dash, so it's hidden inside the car (metal key hidden in magnet box under the car)
hahaha dumb fob so can u or can u not reprogram a smart key from my car to work on another car equipped with smart key???
LOL it was the fob (fresh off the boat) part I was worried about! Then again, my Filipino friends don't mind being called JoJ (Just off the Jet).
Smart key fobs can not be used on another vehicle once they are used with the first vehicle except they will work as a non smart key. I purchased my non smart key fob on ebay for $50AU plus shipping. I mated it to the car and it works perfectly. Didn't even need a new battery. The replacement fob is the one I use all the time, the original fob I keep as a spare.
There are actually 3 ECUs that are used in the security system. Immobilizer, Body, and Certification. The Immobilizer is the oldest, designwise, and is the unit that reads the transponder code from the keyfob in the keyslot. The Body ECU is used to read the recognition code from a black logo remote (non-SKS). And finally there is the Certification ECU which manages SKS signals. If one is to believe the documentation, the recognition code for both SKS and non-SKS keyfobs is stored in EEPROM in the Body ECU. Whew. So even though the Certification ECU manages SKS signals, the recognition code that it uses to validate a keyfob is stored in the Body ECU. Thus replacing the Certification ECU leaves the keyfob data intact in the Body ECU. The data for the one keyfob that doesn't work with the new Certification ECU was probably messed up by the defective Certification ECU. And since that keyfob has been used too many times to transmit the data required for a new registration, it can't be added back in. Anybody who has a better understanding of this please chime in...
That's as bad as Beaners changing their name to Biggby Coffee. My god, I think we all know that coffee comes from beans. How PC do we have to be. That reminds me of one of my pet peeves regarding PC. I like the term "tar baby" as it relates to Brer Rabbit. He gets stuck to a doll made of tar. The expression is used to indicate something that, once engaged, you can't get away from it. I would say, for example, "That project is a real tar baby", meaning that if you get involved, you will never get away from it. Unfortunately tar baby was also used as a derogatory term for a black baby. Because of that, a great literary term has been hijacked. I hate this sort of thing. Bigoted people should be required to have their own language. That way the PC Police could leave the rest of us alone. Tom
LMAO! Tom, you just basically played the part of Randall from ... Wanring! Don't listen to the YouTube link if you are offended by non-PC terms and foul language. :cheer2:
Neat! I don't even recall ever hearing the term "Porch Monkey". Actually rather colorful. My mother used to talk about the "nigger in the woodpile" whenever she couldn't find something. But her true scorn was reserved for unmarried couples and gays. Gays were so unmentionable that she didn't even have a term for them. But by her standards, she was so liberal that her church youth group used to gather at her house to dance (it was forbidden at the church). She believed the WW2 demonization of Japanese who were so dedicated to their homeland that they subscribed to fraternal organization newsletters from their homeland. It really troubled her that a close Japanese friend had a grandfather who "sided with the enemy". When I got my first "real" job back in 1969, there was this guy who thought that the reason we should recognize China was that they had a lot of products that we'd like to buy. The general attitude at the time was that the Chinese were the new Nazis. American Chinese who wanted to visit China were basically traitors. It turned out that this guy was just privy to government discussions that were not public at the time. Nixon didn't dream up recognizing China - he just chose to accept a growing tide of opinion that things had to change. This is all just echoes from an earlier era. I don't see how recognizing and talking about an earlier environment disparages current people. What do you suppose will be "politically incorrect" 50 years from now that we accept as normal now?
OMG, I laughed so hard it made me cry. Why haven't I seen this movie? I'm going to have to watch it now. Tom