I found a list somewhere that had everything I should check before I leave the dealership. The only thing I can remember on that list was the oil. I am picking up my seaside pearl next week and would like to know if anybody here knows where that list is? chibigreen
Also in the knowledge base, check to see what functions you would like the dealership to turn off for you: Chirping/beeping when you set lock the car, etc. These are items that only the dealer can change with their special tool. They'll be glad to change them as part of the sale but may charge you them afterwards. Enjoy,
Here's a checklist for the 2004 but it'll probably apply to the 2005 also: http://www.vfaq.net/docs/pickup_checklist.html Some extra info once you pick up your new ride: http://www.vfaq.net/
I highly recommend the Prius check list. I spent over one hour following the check list with the Internet Sales Manager. He had no objections and admitted that he learned a thing or two in the process. He treated me seriously and with respect. The process of using the check list and looking over, under and around the vehicle is valuable and educational. This particular dealership had just recently lost a lawsuit regarding overcharging for repairs and doing unncessary repairs. I entered as a skeptic, but by using the check list and working with the Internet Sales Manager in a systematic process, left with good feeling and confidence.