My 2001 Prius has suffered a catastrophic failure of the entire hybrid battery. The dealer wants $4900 to repair, and I believe that just includes parts. Does anyone know of a good independent mechanic who could replace the hybrid battery with a salvage?
I am not in Chicago but please contact Scott ([email protected]). Ask him if he has can recommend a qualified indy shop in Chiagoland for your Prius battery replacement. Please mention a fellow I-ATN Sponsor member from East Central Illinois has recommended him for this inquiry. I hope this helps you. Regards...and good luck, Starky
What dealer did you go to?? I checked yesterday for a customer and the cost of the battery is $2400 plus labor. At $90/hr, I'm sure it won't take them 27 hour to do it. Were there more parts involved?
Hi Jabber, Toyota on Western, in Chicago. I was quoted $4900 for the entire hybrid battery assembly, plus the HV ECU. Someone else told me that there is no way they can know whether the ECU is bad until they open it up... but unfortunately, I'm stuck with the dealer, and if they want to lie to me, I'm not sure there is anything I can do about it. That was certainly true with my CVT debacle. This is the third dealership I've dealt with in the Chicagoland area.
Jabber, do you have a dealership in Chicagoland you could recommend? It would be worth giving them a call... though to be honest, I'm not even sure that the price you cited would be worth it, either.
Thanks, Jabber! Just got off the phone with him. He doesn't know how much the repair would cost, but is incredibly nice, and strikes me as very honest and competent. I wish I had taken it there in the first place.
I posted in your other thread, but have my answer. Justin is a great guy. The best part is, he is not paid on commission. Most dealers pay their service writers a different commission based on if it is a customer paid claim or warranty. Guess which level they get paid more on?