Long time lurker, first time poster. Looking to take the plunge next week and pick up a 2009 Prius non-Touring Package 6. Am I getting a good deal for $25,300 (not counting rebate). I'm sure I'll be happy with the Prius, but with the 2010 coming, especially with adjustable seat and telescopic steering wheel, I'm starting to have doubts. thanks
If you really like the car and can afford it then you got a good deal. Who cares what anyone else thinks. Congrats!
thanks for the posts. I took the leap and bought it. Final numbers below: 2009 Non-Touring Package 6 $25,318 - $1,500 rebate = $23,818 And I got free all-weather mats and cargo net.
Wow, care to share the steps you followed? From where I'm at in the process, that's a killer deal. I find myself in need of a new car after my 2003 Acura CL was totaled yesterday. I have about 1.5 weeks to get something before I go back to work so I'm up late gathering every bit of info I can Already read everything at Edmunds.com so now I'm scanning this board for hints and tips. Thanks in advance, Jay
I started by emailing dozens of dealers in a 5-state area. I took the best price and asked dealers close to me to beat it. I played them against each other for my benefit. I played upon the fact that: 1. 2010 Prius coming out 2. Economy sucks and I have money/great credit 3. Insight is coming out Negotiated a price before I discussed a trade-in (not applicable in your case). I also started at invoice and negotiated down. Good luck