Based on some experience in the design side of automotive electronics, I think some of these prices talked about here are imprecise. I'd expect the bulb to be $100 or less, the ballast alone to be around $300, and the headlamp without bulb or ballast around $200 (but this is the one I know least). HID bulbs work on a totally different physical principle than tungsten or tungsten/halogen bulbs, which both have filaments that erode with time. HID bulbs work based on a gas that glows when heated by an AC current being passed through it. The gas degrades with time, but much more slowly than a tungsten/halogen bulb. The ballast design is usually tested to a lifetime equivalent to 150,000 miles, incluidng moisture, shock, vibration, temperature extremes, and temperature cycling, so the lifetime is expected to be the life of the car. But cars are very severe usage for electronics, and there is always some failure rate. In any case, it's a lot less than conventional bulbs or tungsten/halogen bulbs. Well, I guess my ideas about pricing aren't any more precise after all!!! But what is important is to distinguish between whether the dealer is charging you for a bulb, a ballast, a headlamp, or all three.
Hello all Prius owners - newbee here - have 2005 (sept 2005) Option-6 prius with the works. Today is 21April2009 and now have 112,286 miles on this little gem. Until now, have had no, repeat, no major problems.....NOW.... Have an HID problem-Right-Front headlight flickers-blinks then finally, goes out. Dash-Board lights Master Error Triangle up (big Triangle with exclaimation mark in Center). Now - having read alittle on this formum about the availability of Factory R&R HID lamps from dealer for $395.00 each, Plus $100.00 for remove/replace and reading someones post for a Prius HID D4R 4300K(kelvin) replacement for only $104.00 in San Francisco area (or more for the 6000K part)...and I do believe I can change this myself.....but in further investigation, apparently, I CAN NOT UTILIZE THE "D4R" PART. Apparently, I must use the "D2R" part or its alternate "D2S / D2R" part at either 4300K or 6000K. Any suggestions here - which is correct. ????Thank you all in advance and I welcome any response(s). Ron
Don't have an answer for you, but try not to dig up old threads. After a while it's like .... whoa, this thread is from last year. Good luck though.
Similar thing for me, 2006 and replaced both one year ago, now at 112k they are both flakey again. Spent over $900. at dealer last time, gonna do it myself. Not sure which bulb to get from Ebay. I thought it was D4R but really want to know for sure before ordering and from what I remember the bumper/trim has to be removed just to see what bulb it is. Don't have receipt from dealer so can't see part#. Nothing in owners manual either. Any idea which bulb? Thanks for any help.
I had one bulb going intermittent on me and I brought it into to the dealer several times - neither of two dealers could ever seem to reproduce it. Finally, I broke down and bought 2 bulbs (Toyota/Philips OEM) on eBay for about $170 and they've been fine ever since (about 8 months now I think). The hardest part was changing them - I have pretty large mitts and it's pretty tight in there.
I just did mine. Bought the bulbs off ebay for $69.99 a pair, plus $10 shipping. I bought the original color - the 4300K ones. Can't remember when I could see this well at night, and knowing I saved a bundle off the dealer cost and even most after-market suppliers is great (I didn't want to have a similar experience with another set of toyota bulbs so I would not have bought them in any event). I loosened the bumper cover on mine so I could get behind the light buckets and replace the bulbs easily. you might be able to do the replacement without that, but my big fingers and hands wouldn't fit. I have to say with all the new hybrids on the horizon, and toyota's failure to take responsibilty for this obvious (and expensive) defect, I'll probably look elsewhere for my next hybrid.
Everyone- PLEASE do some research. Ebay is a powerful website. Look up "prius hid kit" on there. You will find them substantially cheaper than what every one of you have been quoted. I have a set that I got off there in my '05 prius (I have no idea what package it is and no idea how to find out) that is bulb, ballast and all necessary wiring for $56 shipped! They are brighter that the stock HID's and use less wattage. Plus you can choose what color/temp they come in. I chose the 10k ones (which is a blue-white color that looks amazing). But don't make the same mistake I made. I bought the h4 low beam version when I needed the h4 hi/low beam ones (which the person I bought mine from quoted me $110 shipped). Still, substantially less expensive then $250 a bulb not including labor. Just one thing: these bulbs are about a 6 out 10 on the difficulty meter to replace, especially if you have large hands. I hope everyone finds this helpful.
Check a few other dealerships if you want to see if someone can do this for less. You will find some quotes less at times. As for the commentary about the last Toyota you will purchase, I can assure you I ran into this problem with a GM brand with less miles and was told "Lights and lamps are not part of the warranty". So, I guess you get it from any of the dealers anymore no matter who they are.