i've been searching for this info, and there's SO MANY threads about bike racks that the ones with good info are few and far between. I'd like to make this a poll, where you can weigh in with your opinions, and i'll edit this first post to include any good threads of note. hopefully this can grow enough to be in the knowledge base or a sticky or something, and future prius users will be able to find info much easier. most of my info applies to the 2004-2009 models, so users with classic and 2010 info please post up. Hitch mount: hitch and best 4 bike rack Question about Hitch-Mount for Bike Rack on Prius Why choose a 2" hitch over a smaller one? Which Thule Hitch Mounted Bike Rack? Bike rack pics Roof mount (removable): Yakima Rack install on the 2009 Prius Photos of Prius with roof rack. Anyone? (also has permanent discussion) Roof mount (permanent tracks/pads): Yakima track installation Thule Roof Rack Tracks Other: New Thule bike rack coming Hauling Tandem Bicycle darelldd's * Prius pages * have a lot of good info MPG Impact due to bike rack
Thanks for the links. There are several that are dead ..... at least for me ..... though. BTW, hitch mount rack with curtis hitch is the call. ... Brad
links should be fixed. please feel free to vote in the poll and add more links, i'll keep track and edit them into post 1.