I'm sure some Prius owner out there has a racing single that's longer than my 23' kingfisher, but here it is looking decidedly weird on top of my Prius! Not the transport setup I would use for long trips with a boat this big but it drove fine for the short trip to the river I did today. Boat is 23' long, about 19" wide, weighs 45 lbs and is entirely built of wood (and needs a little TLC).
Take the same picture against a "cleaner" backdrop and I think you have your next avatar. Great picture!!
Brodie, Very nice boat. Did you build it? From a kit or scratch? :rockon: It passes the 50 Foot Rule: (You can't see the dings, etc from 50 ft.)
I did not build it. It was built 10 years ago by the boatman at Tabor academy, I believe from scratch. I am planning on refurbishing it this summer, it mostly needs cosmetics but a couple of the coaming pieces are cracked. Not sure if they are fixable with epoxy or will need to be replaced.
That is a sleek looking boat. Lotta mass beyond the tiedowns so watch out for quick turns (on the road). Youse can fix anything with epoxy.
Looks a little different to my tinny and electric outboard. By the way, anyone in Australia try this trick and you might wear a ticket. The maximum distance from the centre of the rear axle to the rear of the vehicle and any load on the vehicle is 60% of the wheelbase or 3.7 metres whichever is the lesser. In South Australia you would wear a fine of about $130.00
The rule I've always heard is no more than 4' off either end. But I really have no idea. I used to have a 25' racing shell that I transported on my ~16' truck, and I've seen folks with racing doubles (~33') on top of vans. I'm sure I'm breaking some kind of rule but so far, no trouble. I am sure to put that red flag on so that no one drives into the back of the boat.
What a sight ! Mr Canoehead would be *proud* [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_on_the_Floor]Four on the Floor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Quote: Bullets bounce off me like raisins off an Oldsmobile (Mr. Canoehead while a villain shoots at him with a gun) Mr. Canoehead. Once a mild-mannered insurance salesman Who one day while portaging his aluminum canoe in Algonquin Park Was suddenly hit by a giant bolt of lightning (Yeeeow - I've been hit by lightning! You were hit by lightning!) And had the canoe welded to his head (You're right, it's stuck to your head!) Mr. Canoehead, Canada's Greatest Aluminum Crimefighter! The 80's were really weird in Canadian broadcast history.
Very nice boat and very nice Prius car. Prius has become a standard-bearer in its segment. While many automakers have yet to even develop a gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle, Toyota is already on its third generation of the Prius. This four-door hybrid has become a hit with consumers because of its stellar fuel economy, relatively uncompromised driving and acceleration characteristics and reasonable price.
What kind of racks are those? i am looking into getting a 18ft. paddleboard and need to get some racks for my 2008 Prius.