I called a local dealer that does CostCo pricing, inquiring about a 2010 for my wife. He said they won't be doing CostCo pricing, and that CostCo pricing didn't even go to the Prius until late 2008. That's kind of funny, since I got CostCo pricing in late 2007 when I got my '07. He said they have 80 people on the wait list, and will charge MSRP. Any opinions?
Do not contact the dealer. Call Costco direct. Costco will give you the name of your local dealershop that is participating in the program. Then Costco will send you an e-mail with the names of your contacts. Once you have this info you can go to your dealership. All you have to do is contace the salesperson mentioned in your e-mail show your Costco card & your on your way. I know it works because I did it. Now I am ready to test drive the car. good luck
I know I need to call CostCo, but I'm just planning ahead. CostCo, not surprisingly, doesn't have the 2010 Prius listed yet. I guess I'll have to wait until they hit the lots to get pricing. We don't even know invoice pricing yet.
Just keep in mind that the Costco discount is only a couple of hundred dollars. When I tried to buy one with this deal last year ( to buy an '09 Prius, until I learned about the 2010), and they only offered me $250 off my best deal through Costco. Additionally, if you are an "Executive" member at Costco, they will usually offer a $100 Costco gift card if you complete the transaction. From what I have heard, and will try, I am asking Costco to get me their pricing on both 2009 and 2010, so the dealer at least thinks that my heart is not sold on the 2010. Additionally, I am talking to a local dealer about a 'Group Buy', and should find out soon what sort of deal we can get buying 3 2010 Prius from them. If anyone in the Chicago area is interested, please PM me. Maybe we can negotiate better for a larger amount of cars?
Your pricing on the 09 was about right. $250 off. If you walked in the door, it was MSRP. I work for a Toyota dealer in the chicagoland area. I also happen to be one of the Costco reps for my dealer. FYI, the dealer sets the CostCo pricing, not CostCo. Just a little tidbit of info to the OP. Call a different dealer. EGLmainz, feel free to PM me if you need any help. Or email me at [email protected]. Since we built a new dealership, we got extra prii over the summer and sold every one of them. That generally means we will be getting more of the 2010's than anyone else.
Those numbers make sense. I got a CostCo price of $750 over invoice, which was about $300 less than sticker. So I guess margins aren't too high on these things. Besides, spread it out over the life of the loan, I guess it's pretty much small potatoes.
when I helped my carpool bud w/ a costco deal in '08, gas was over 4.00 a gallon. That meant little wiggle room for dealers. So it's often a demand thing ... meaning if supply doesn't meet demand, the great equalizer will become price. Gas is cheep for the moment. If you wait, who knows? Let history be your friendly teacher.
How do you know a salesman is lying? When his mouth is moving. In Houston, the dealers are all terrible, but I chalk that up to them being under the Gulf State Toyota umbrella of doing things.
I take great offense to that comment. As a matter of fact, we use the same "joke" when talking about customers. Why? How many times have you walked in a dealership and said, "Just looking" when you wanted to buy something. First lie. And you have been in the store for 4 seconds. How about saying that you got a better price at another store when you are trying to negotiate (knowing full well you didn't.. you just wanted to see if we would go lower)? Judging by your attitude towards salespeople, I'm guessing that you have used that one before. And guess what? We know what a car can be sold for and know if you can actually get the deal you say you are (speaking of new cars only). I agree that there are some real jerks in this business. I have worked with them over the many years in this business. But for the most part, especially in this economy, most salespeople are just trying to put some bread on the table like you do. We are not trying to "screw" every customer that walks in. Personally, I will treat you exactly how you are treating me. If you just want info, tell me. I'll still be happy to help even though I may not get a commission. Maybe it leads to something down the road, maybe it doesn't. You want a fair deal and want to be treated with respect? So do I in the end. If you don't buy a car, I don't make a dime. But I can most assuredly tell you that if a customer walks in, and tries to treat me like a third class citizen, that is exactly the attitude you will get in return. But I will never lie to you just to make a commission. You may not like the answer I give you, but at least you know it will be the truth. /rant :focus:
I love your response and havent really thought about salesmen that way (even though I am a wine sales rep). I will be nicer to the saleman in the car delaership now, bad me
Believe me, I am not trying to change the world here. We have done it to ourselves over the last 50 years. It's hard to change that perception, and our reputation has definitely preceeded us. And there are still some shady characters out there. But a different "breed" of salesperson has evolved due to the business market. Everyone has access to invoices (correct or not). The way we get cars from toyota. The surveys you get after the fact. All of these things have forced us to "clean up our act". I know that I will sell 1 out of 4 people walking in the door the first time I meet them. I also know that I will sell 3 out of 5 that are referrals to me the first time they walk in the door. Repeat customers are 4 out of 5. The new business model (for people that have made this a career) is to treat customers with respect and fairness so you get the repeat/referral business. Winebuff, you are in sales.. which would you rather do? Cold call for 12 hours or contact your previous customers? It really is no different. I would much rather work off a 60% closing ratio than a 25%. "Work smart, not hard"
When I am ready to buy my new Prius (in 2010), since I will already know what I want on it, it will come down to price. No salesperson will have to 'talk' me into the car. They won't have to talk to me about features and benefits. They won't have to spend any time with me at all aside from working up the numbers and telling me their best price. I'll be ready to buy but only @ the lowest price I can get within my general geo area (or possibly slightly outside my geo area). I would prefer to never work with a salesperson at all and do the whole transaction through the Internet, and just pick up my car when it's ready. I'd like to avoid the whole game playing bit altogether, if possible.
If they are really going to make 500,000 Prius a year you all you need to do is wait a few months and you will get one at a good price.
I'll be waiting much longer than a few months. My planned purchase timeframe is late fall of 2010. In fact I will see what the 2011s are going to look like in terms of options. If I do get a 2010 I expect to get fairly decent pricing since the car will have been out for 16+ months.
In Seattle, WA I was offered $300 less than the invoice price for 2009 Prius package #3. Given the market trends and with Honda Insight being available, I hope Prius 2010 will still be available for the invoice price or a little over it in the first week of May. ;-)
Well, maybe you're a different salesman, but I'm just responding to the original poster. Don't tell me that salesman is being truthful.
Believe me, I'm not picking on you or jumping down your throat. But that salesman wasn't necessarily lying. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the dealership sets the costco pricing. Costco has 0% right to tell us what to sell a vehicle for. The only way Costco can do that is for them to pony up the money and start buying dealerships. Then they can sell them for whatever they want. As for having 80 people on the wait list, that might be stretching the truth a little (and I would probably call him a liar..)
I have talked to jabber in depth and he is a honest person. Lets stop dogging salesmen, especially car salespeople. We all need to pay our mortgage. He is one of the better ones, just like we have co-workers and friends that are better than others. Lets find some other way to pass the time until we get our car. Trivia anyone?