For those who don't know already, Toyota claims to be the only place you can repair / replace your key FOB and Stereo. I just lost a key, and my CD player won't eject. The Tab? $1,500 with tax! In my mind this is unethical. In the volumes Toyota manufactures, the key FOB can't cost them more than $20 (not around $450 plus tax). And the stereo, I'm sure, is a bit more, but $950 plus tax? Come on. This is a classic case of sole supplier. They can basically charge what they want. I'm so angry, I am seriously considering dropping plans to purchase a Gen III Prius. Any suggestions out there? (I've tried local repair shops in LA. They won't touch the Prius. And I contacted several key places who said they will replace the key FOB for less money, but there's only a 50% chance it will work, because of the way Toyota programs the car's computer.) There ought to be a law against this price gouging!
I assume that you are beyond the 3 year 36,000 mile point? Otherwise you should have been covered under warranty. I'd sooner get a similar head unit out of a wrecked prius from a u-pull-it junk yard or try e-bay for a replacement. Both items are waaayyyy overpriced, but perfectly par for the course for a dealership parts department.
I've got news for you. The fob isn't even made by Toyota. It's made by Tokai Rika Co. And I'd bet since it's mass produced and purchased in lots of 1,000, it probably cost Toyota $4 a piece. And the radio likely falls in the same bucket. Yup. Toyota has you over the proverbial barrel, but then again, when it comes to specialized replacement parts, so does all other Automakers.
I think I won this battle with the dealer! Here's a strategy I bet will work for anyone. It saved me about $750 (50%) on a combo Key FOB and CD player. Here's what I did: 1) I got an initial estimate: About $1,500 2) I told the dealer this was outrageous. I informed them I was going to shop around for the best price in the LA Area, and that because it was so expensive I didn't really care about where I got it done. I said my decision would be made on price alone. 3) Woah! My next quote FOR THE SAME THING was $808! Competition is a good thing! 4) I didn't stop there. I called 2 other dealers. One was willing to do it for about $35 less (not worth the effort to drive there). So, I called back the dealer, telling them I was getting lower pricing elsewhere. I said, "I'll pay $750. Take it or leave it." They called back 30 minutes later and offered to do it for $758. I accepted. So, I made roughly $750 with about an hour of work. Is this new price reasonable? NO! But I feel good that I got 50% off...and bad for folks who just accept this outrageous price gouging and "screwing the consumer because they can".
I have an 08 Prius. I bought it used with only one FOB. I purchased a used FOB (with cut can't use the key) off of Ebay for $32. I copied the programming instructions of of this forum...took me 10 minutes to program FOB to start car and unlock, lock doors. Simple! Not sure if that is what you are looking for...but it did work, no problem and cheap!
You outsmarted me, BK! Now, if there were only a solution for my CD Player....that's the expensive one!
Re: programing fob prius key I have a 08 prius too and bought a ebay silver logo fob key. Which programing instructions worked for you? I have tried a few on this forum and none have worked for me. thanks, Adam
OEM parts/labor can be quite hurtin' on the costs. I would've used the opportunity to get a better aftermarket system. $750 would probably get something really nice sounding compared to the stock stereo system.