I have some questions about the solar roof. 1) Can the feature be turned on and off? 2) Is there a interior sunshade? 3) Does ventilation only work in direct sunlight? 4) Do the solar panels need service or replacement? 5) How exactly does the system function? Thanks guys. I seems that there have been many different responses on the solar roof features and I would like get the fact before I invest $3600 on a fancy sunroof.
I'll take a stab at these having driven a solar version. 1. Yes, there is a defeat switch to the left of the steering column (where the instrument light dimmer, mirror controls, etc.). This is outlined in the YouTube video outlining it's operation. 2. Yes, there is a manual sunshade that is completely opaque. 3. This isn't confirmed, but I would suspect this doesn't work well in the shade. Then again, solar gain in the shade is much lower than direct sunlight, and the "need" for ventilation will be lower. 4. Prior solar experience says just keeping the glass clean and free of debris is probably all that's required. Avoid scratching the glass with harsh cleaning methods. The only time I'd suspect a replacement is required is if the panel was damaged (cracked) by objects (i.e. LARGE hail) or a collision. 5. I can't say for certain, but the way it's been explained is that after a short period of time (10 min?), once interior temperatures begin to climb above exterior ambient, provided there's adequate solar power and the defeat switch isn't enabled, the vent fan will switch on. Once the door is opened upon return, the system will deactivate.
it's a "stand alone" system... meaning it ties in with nothing else.. it has a switch. you can activate it before you turn your car off.. it stays on for a given amount of time.. i'll say 15 to 20 mins.. then turns off. solar panels should last 25+years. if you really want to know.. search.. there are many forums on this now.. and toyota has it listed on their webpage in video format............. part of this option is remote A/C... it allows you to turn on the car's auto a/c function for a given amount of tme... this time i really do think it's 15 mins.. or untill the traction battery is low. it works any time the system has energy... and doesn't turn on if the outside air is lower than inside air.
Do you have to turn it on every time you leave the car or can you just leave the button pushed in? Does it turn on and off automatically throughout the day when temperature rises? If it only stays on for for the first 15 minutes then turns off it seems useless if your parked in the sun all day.
Remote A/C is "up to 3 minutes" provided you've left the climate control system "set" before shutdown. That "up to" amount is probably down to a certain battery state of charge. Solar should be continuous as long as there's power from the panels. The defeat button should be a toggle that doesn't require any intervention once set.
So, 3,600 smackeroos for a hole in the roof plus a solar panel that generates just enough to power a 60W light bulb! Not to mention the added weight and leak-or-theft potential potential associated with the roof cutout. Cost effective use of the money? Not from where I view the world. For that money you could pay for the gas to drive the first 60,000 miles+ in the new G3 Prius.
How much extra gas/energy will be spent running the A/C for the additional 5-15 minutes cooling the car down each time? In Arizona? For some of us, it's not about cost vs. return.
Ron, I like a sunroof. It's "sportier" in my opinion. And I like the a/c before I get in the car option so I don't have to put my child in a 100+ degree car and have him screaming as I strap him in. Yes, it is a lot of money that could be spent on other things but we could have this argument all day. I think money for leather is stupid, I think extra money for LED headlights is dumb, I think money for bigger wheels is pointless. TO EACH HIS OWN.
Keep in mind that the $3600 for the Solar roof package includes the Navigation Package. The roof/solar panel/cooling fan itself only adds $1800 by itself.....the Nav package is $1800, but gives you extra goodies as well, like Bluetooth, backup camera, disc changer, etc.
Good point, Geogeek! From what I see, though I'm not in the market yet for the G3 upgrade, the best option from a value standpoint is the Prius III with the Navigation package. Too bad one cannot pick and choose more though, I do like the radar monitored cruise control feature, also the PCS and LKA options.
No need to carbon copy your message in two different threads. We get it . But yeah it is bundled with the navigation system. $1,800 is the cost if you do the math. A typical moonroof is about $800-$1,000 so it's not too bad. You can leave it pushed in. The ventilation is fully automatic and starts 10 mins after you lock the car. It cools the car down the ambient temperature only. So if it's 80 outside, it can only cool to approximately 80 (since it's simply drawing outside air and just circulating the air throughout the cabin to stop it from reaching 100 degrees or more). The Remote A/C is activated via your keyfob and will shut itself off after 3 mins. Note that both functions will work only if the automatic climate control is set to a temperature below ambient. That means in the winter or fall, you can park your car in the sun to heat up the car (and reducing heating times) without having to worry about the solar panel cooling it down. Of course on the flip side, you can always turn it off in the winter but there is no harm if you leave it activated all winter. I suspect the toggle switch is simply if you're parking in a dusty area and you don't want the solar panels to turn on the fan and suck in all the dust.
You're right sir. For me, it's about making wise decisions about my money and $3,600 is going to buy a lot of gas any way you slice it.
Lauren, I hope you aren't currently strapping your child into a hot car seat and causing him to scream. That is dreadful and sounds like torture. You might try draping a white towel over the car seat when not occupied to keep the direct sun off of it and hopefully somewhat cooler.
As discussed, that's $1800, which at $4/gal, is 450 gal of fuel (or, 22,500 miles @ 50mpg). The other $1800 goes toward NAV, which we all agree could buy several Garmin's + updates. There are plenty of other features bundled with either (Remote A/C, backup camera, bluetooth streaming audio) that sweeten the deal. Thinking along the "saving money" argument - most people who are buying a hybrid "just to save money on gas" should reconsider and buy a much cheaper vehicle with slightly lower MPG (i.e a Yaris). For the rest of us, buying a Prius is much more than just "Saving money on gas", but rather being a bit more socially responsible, using less foreign oil, polluting less, etc. Then there's guys like me who ALSO feel the technology just just damned cool and will pay a semi-reasonable price for it. Had Solar and advanced tech minus the 17" rims been available, I'd have popped for that too at a likely $33k+. Other than annoying the other members? Probably not, but it is poor netiquette, and creates two separate reply threads which makes it that much harder for others to follow.
You hit the nail right on the head Mr. Spinnr. Using your numbers, it comes down to a question of 22,500 miles of gas vs. the convenience of having a slightly cooler car upon entry on a hot day. I'm choosing the economy over the convenience for this one. Now, having said that, I'm opting for the IV package... Could I do without leather - yep; lumbar support - yep (but somewhat painfully); 3D SKS - yep; illuminated entry - yep; plasmacluster - yep; autodimming mirror/homelink - yep.
I wonder how the solar ventilator will compare to this $30 device? Of course, you don't get the sunroof.