Ok did a search but couldn't find anything here, just how exactly does the nav package work? I've heard that it's DVD based and i've also heard that it's subscription based. I'm not really willing to play monthly for a nav system and getting the package upgrades i'd like isn't really worth it without the nav system. Another question i have is how the DVD based system works, does it take up one of my four cd slots when i want to use it or does it have it's own drive? and how do you update it? can i burn a dvd image from the net and put it in for an update? i'd like to hear from current prius owners who have the current nav system and get details on exactly what you get and how you use it. Thanks in advance for your time and answers they will be much appreciated.
NAV works w/o any subscriptions, however live traffic requires an XM radio subscription as the traffic data is delivered via XM. The maps are stored on DVD which are about $265 MSRP (can be found for less) and are released annually. Unfortunately, they're about a year or so behind once they make it to market and I've only sprung for updates once every 3-4 years. The DVD has it's own drive located just below the 4 disc changer. See above. There may be images out there, but I guarantee they're not legal. The DVD's are Dual-Layer which complicates the "burn" just a touch. I use mine when I either want ETA for known locations or reminders for unknown or partially familiar locations. Generally I'll set a location and have the car guide me into our out of an unfamiliar location until I'm to a familiar location. I then cancel the route when no longer needed (i.e. returning home). I used it maybe 2-5 times per month. Some may say a TomTom or Garmin is just as good. Some of the things the Toyota unit can offer than the Garmin or 3rd party cannot: * Dead Reckoning - when GPS signals are obscured due to tunels, etc., there are gyros and speed sensors that will "fill in the gaps" until a GPS signal can be reacquired. * POI w/ phone data can be used to call a destination if you have a Bluetooth phone paired up. * Integrated steering controls for voice activation * Toyota's DVD covers all of US and Canada. Some smaller units can only store maps for specific regions, and planning is required to update additional regions for long trips. Forgetting to do that makes the unit useless w/o the proper data. The Garmin type updates will likely be cheaper and more frequent though. The unit is also portable and can be put into a different car.
Wow thanks HTMLSpinner for the response, you've pretty much answered every question i had. the upgrade price is pretty high for something that is needed fairly regularly to be accurate. But roads in my area don't change very often so i should be able to skip the upgrades for quite a while if not fore go them altogether. Sounds like i will at least be getting the nav package.... now if i can save enough for the solar package i'll be one happy camper.
Last question - does the Nav play DVD movies??? I've read that the high-end navs on the Highlander and Lexus' are able to play DVDs when the vehicle is not in motion. Just checking.... EQ