A newbie Wannabe...my head is spinning...

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by FrankD, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. FrankD

    FrankD Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    Leesburg Fl.
    2007 Prius
    Hello all. This is my first post.

    If you asked me a month ago if I would ever consider a Prius, I would have said "No". I thought they were strange scary complicated things. I heard that if the big battery died it would cost you thousands. I heard that you had to pay thousands more and until gas costs $15.00 per gallon it would not be worth it. Boy, was I uninformed.

    My wife and I started looking for a new car. We almost bought a Honda Civic non-hybrid, and the Honda salesman told me the hybrid batteries were covered. That got me thinking. Anyway, I went to the Toyota dealership and sat in a Prius. My God, I thought I entered a spaceship. I was impressed. I went back two days later and drove one. Very impressed. The more I think about it, I now want one.

    I told the salesman I would not buy until the 2010 prices came out. So, today they did. Wow. Now, this is what I am trying to decide. Do I order a 2010, (#2), or see what I can do on a 2009 ? Either way it is towards the top of my budget.

    So I'm thinking that maybe with the 2010 pricing so good, and the current 2009 inventory high, (I hear), I may be able to now get a good low price on a 2009, especially with the gas prices being currently low.

    Do I buy a 2010 with an unknown reliability record, or a bulletproof 2009 at a hopefully very good low price?

    I'm sorry for posting such a long post, but I've spent hours reading everything here, and no one but you all would understand my newfound desire for a Pruis, and my disenchantment with any other offerings.

    The combo of low gas prices, glut of 2009's, low price on 2010's, poor economy making car sales nationwide slow,, etc,etc.....it might be an awesome time to buy a Prius !!

    If I don't buy soon, I plan on buying within the next month or two.

    Thanks again. I feel this is a great community. I see many parallels with when I dumped windows computers 8 years ago and fell in love with Macs. Mac people are a close knit, helpful community. The few of us who have Macs love them.......seems to be the same with Prius owners.

    Respectfully, Frank D.
  2. Prius 06

    Prius 06 Member

    Jun 6, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Other Hybrid
    Ewwww, MACS! :( Yucky
    I use to love macs, then fell in love with Windows and will NEVER look back!

    But Prius..now we're talkin!
    Either way, you will make a good decision with a 09 or 10.
    I have a 06 Prius, 100,000 kms as of today and not a single problem!
    Costs under $25 cnd bucks to drive about 700-800 kms per tank.
    My uncle across the street owns a 08 Prius and a 08 Hylander Hybrid and loves them both...wants to give the Prius to his daughter and buy a 10 now lol.

    Personally owning a 2G, I'd be all over a 3G. Nothing wrong with the 2G at all, but I do like the 10's.

    I think you'd be happier with the 10 as it seems more "user friendly" in terms of regular cars. Ie: shifter location
  3. 2009Prius

    2009Prius A Wimpy DIYer

    Mar 25, 2009
    2009 Prius
    One concern with the 2010 is that usually there are small glitches when a new model comes out. :)
  4. nerfer

    nerfer A young senior member

    Mar 1, 2006
    Chicagoland, IL, USA, Earth
    Other Hybrid
    There's going to be a wait for the 2010, pre-orders have already been taken, and with this price I'm sure more will be added. But it does have some cool new features (Eco mode/Power mode for one), and removes the coolant thermos, which is the only part I've had any problem with.

    Hopefully the 2009 price will be dropped now that people know what the 2010 price is. I think that's the only way dealers will be able to move the inventory. So you might be able to get a bargain there. I don't think there will be too many problems on the 2010, the 2004 was pretty good and it was a lot more revolutionary than the 2010 is.

    In your case, I think the time frame is your decider. The 2010 likely won't be in your hands for several months, even if you order one today. Wait a week or two and then talk to a dealer about a 2009, they'll be a little more desperate then, probably.

    BTW, there's a strong Mac community here on PriusChat. I think Prius owners tend to think outside the box more than the general community. And more tech-oriented too. If it wasn't for the Mac, Microsoft would be busy releasing DOS 3.28 about now.
    (I'm running Leopard on a late 2003-vintage iMac, using it for my video editing with FCE and it's been great.)
  5. Boo

    Boo Boola Boola Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    Flushing, NY
    2007 Prius
    Another factor to consider is what options you really want.

    For example, if you really want the back-up camera, it's available in a bulletproof 2009 in the relatively low priced package 2. But it's only available in the 2010 in the relatively high priced packages with navigation.

    For the options I want, I can get a 2009 for $5000 MSRP less than a 2010 --- and maybe $7000 to $8000 less than a 2010 given the $1000 cash back and heavy discount pricing now available for the 2009s.
  6. FrankD

    FrankD Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    Leesburg Fl.
    2007 Prius
    Thank you guys...you are all so helpful. I really appreciate it, especially you being so patient with a newbie/wannabe.

    My bride of 30 years and myself both got to test drive a 2009, and liked it. Many cars we drove had uncomfortable headrests. I'm 5'8", and do not like my chin shoved against my chest from these newer headrests. The Prius seemed fine to us.

    If we got the 2009, I would be happy with package #2. We also like the Silver Pine Mica color, which is not offered in the 2010.

    1) Do you find yourselves using the back up camera much? Does it really help, or is needed?

    I keep reading that the 2009's are very reliable, and that some feel one should stay away from a first model year car. I DO like the look, etc of the 2010, but of course would be happy with either.

    I leave western NY in 10 days for our home in Florida. We will be down there for a month. I'll look down there also. The financing down there is a better deal then up here in NY, but not as good as in the mid-atlantic states. If I have to I can make it happen without dealer financing....we'll see.

    I'll have to read up on what the thermos cooler is....I'm not sure what that is. From everything I read here, the A/C and heater seems challenging to some.

    May I ask, how is the paint finish on the newer models? I've read somewhere that some folks have been unhappy with the earlier models paint jobs, etc. It is hard to know what to believe on some websites........like Macs, there is a lot of bad info out there.

    Thank you in advance for your kind help.

    Respectfully, Frank D.

    P.S......I'm running Leopard on both a 17" G4 imac lampstyle system, (a thing of beauty I do not want to give up), and a 12" G4 powerbook I also do not want to ever die. Long live both!
  7. chancejd

    chancejd New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Houston, TX
    2010 Prius

    I'm in the same boat as you. I've researched this car so much I think my head is spinning (in green, no less). MSRP for the 2010s are pretty much neck-in-neck with the 2009's with rebate, and then some.

    Here's my dilemma. I love the multifunction display on the 2009s that serve as a control panel for your audio & climate, as well as a notification method for your power. That's a huge plus, for me. (I currently drive a 2003 Civic LX, so almost anything is an update at this point.)

    The 2010s--more car for your money. They may not bargain, but you've seen the prices on those, and that's MSRP! No display, however... (sad) and to have that feature, you have to get a Prius III and THEN upgrade with the Navigation package.

    Right now, no one's offering lower prices. I still have dealers calling me with offers of 2009s with option package 2 and leather for $24K-25K!!

    So, you and I are probably going to wait a while for our cars. (Or, at least, I know I am.) I wanted to get one by the end of March, but that was operating under the impression that the 2010s were going to be priced higher than the current models. Today, however, changed the game entirely, and to our advantage, I believe.

    Toyota reported it's first losses in about 30 years or so the other day, and the economy is still working in the red. Yes, gas prices will go up in a month, but the economic slump is still hanging around, and not that many people will be buying cars. At the very worst, we'll be maintain status quo, really.
  8. Bob_Stan

    Bob_Stan New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
    Central New York
    2011 Prius
    Backup camera is handy for a quick look to make sure no little kid or animal is immediately behind your car or to help knowing when to stop when backing (When the bumper on the screen seems to be touching an object you are 1 foot away). Other than those two things not real useful.
  9. Rae Vynn

    Rae Vynn Artist In Residence

    May 21, 2007
    Tumwater, WA USA
    2007 Prius
    Frank, :welcome: to Prius chat!

    You might wait until you have the chance to drive a 2010 Prius Gen 3, before you make your decision. How do you feel about the sporty cockpit idea? Have you looked at the videos and photos available showing the difference in the interior? It's possible that you would find one or the other more comfortable for long trips, with the differences in seat adjustments, telescoping steering, etc.
    The Gen 3 has a slightly larger engine to provide better MPG at highway speeds. Do you do mostly highway/freeway, or in-town driving? If you drive more than 60% highway, I'm guessing you'd have better MPG with the Gen 3, while if you drive mostly 45 mph and below, such as in town/rural driving, you'd do as well with the Gen 2.
    The Gen 3 has a sportier look to the exterior. How important is that to you?

    We have a Gen 2 (2007), and I won't actually consider trading him in for the Gen 3 (I got to see the Gen 3 in January), as the improvements, while very nice, are not substantial enough to make changing worthwhile for us.

    Hope you enjoy the forum! :p
  10. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Some things to watch out for in the 2009 (well, things I would like to have tuned into in your position) ...

    Pay particular attention to the driver's seat in the 2009 - do you like the legroom? Are they comfortable? The Honda Civic is a good comparison since in my not so humble opinion, the Civic driver's seat blows a 2009 Prius seat away in comfort.


    The 2010 is obviously going to be a much better car. The chassis is stiffer on it which gives it more confidence on twisty roads. My 2009 does not make me want to push it on twisty roads - it feels a little tender in that regard.


    In my not so humble opinion ....

    It is much better to buy the latest design (the 2010) than buying a 6 year old design. Sure, you may have a few small issues that will be fixed anyway.

    Just man up and get the 2010, that's it. Toyota doesn't put junk on the market to beta test it. The 10 has been thoroughly tested already.
  11. zonie911

    zonie911 Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    Nashville, Tennessee
    2009 Prius
    What do you mean, "other than those two things"----those are super, super important things!! Also, the camera is very helpful in backup parking, backing into oncoming traffic in parking lots, etc.
    In the short time that I've had my Prii (late November) it had become indispensible, even when backing up and out of a parking space close to a curb---it really shows you exactly how close you are to the curb.
  12. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Back up camera is really nice to have. i would hate to not have it. That's a safety item ... important.

    What was your other question .... oh yeah,

    I think 'staying away from first year models' is a fallacy that some like to sling around (as was told to me last year). We are talking about Toyota here. The Prius is incredibly important to them. Of course, they are going to stand behind the car and fix it 100%.

    It will be under full warranty for at least 3 years. I wouldn't worry about buying a first year model 1 iota. I was just ready to buy last Summer, hence the 09 in August.

    About the paint ... I think the paint on the 09 is very good. I got a tiny rock chip in the paint on a road trip, but easily preventable with a front bra on the next road trip. I detail the car with the appropriate gear, and it looks great.

    My niece's boyfriend complains about the paint on his Scion and Toyotas in general. I don't know what he's talking about. Like I said, I think the paint is of high quality. That said, need to know how to avoid scratching the clear coat, what to do and not do.

    050705 044s.JPG
  13. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Ehh, mostly but not always... The '04 MFD had a design error, plain and simple, but if it breaks out of warranty you're out of luck. And it appears that the '06 HID headlights are a real PITA also and not warrantied. And even for the items Toyota will correct it's still a bother to, well, bother with them.
  14. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    Yea, but THAT display is WAY more slick than our ol original 2004.
  15. FrankD

    FrankD Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    Leesburg Fl.
    2007 Prius
    Thank you all.
    There is much to think about.

    I wonder...when will the 2010's be available? I also wonder how much the dealers will "deal" on the 2009's. Will there be a "sweet spot" when the dealers are more willing to give more off on a 2009, and there would still be enough inventory to insure one could get what they want.

    I think we would want a Silver Pine Mica with the #2 package and carpeted mats. I know what the MSRP is for that, ($24,499), but I wonder how much less I could expect to pay. I guess deals come to the patient, so we'll see. I do not want to jump the gun, but I also do not want to wait too long either. It would be nice to be able to drive a 2010 first to see, but I'm guessing that would not be possible......

    Frank D.
  16. lauren80ryan

    lauren80ryan New Member

    Jan 26, 2009
    Tri-Cities, WA
    2010 Prius
    I think if you wait another month when they get the first couple 10s in the dealership might be the "sweet" time. People who come into Toyota looking at a Prius (and not on here first) might buy an 09 right now, not knowing the 2010 is going to be about the same price. But when they have 2010s out and about more, the public will be more educated and probably wanting to wait the few weeks it will take to get that one instead. So if you want the 09, you can sneak in and say "I'll take that package #2 now for $20k. thank you.":D
    Cause if you get the 2010 package #2, it's only $22k. Why pay more for an older model?? yes, you lose the touch screen display and won't get color you want, but with all the new upgrades and better mpg, is the screen/color worth $2k? Or can you wait and get the 09 in a month for $20k?
    You might even try it now. Go to a dealer and test the waters. "Why would I buy this 09 for $2k more than the new one? Can you beat MSRP on the 2010?" See if they'll deal. can't hurt! :cool:

    Also, check to see if any dealers near you rent the prius. My husband and I were wanting to make sure this was THE car we were going to get. We got to rent it for $75 for the weekend (an 09, of course) and it would be fully refunded if we bought one. Test drove it and LOVED it.
    My comments from driving it for a weekend (as a newbie:p):
    **Didn't really like touch screen for my radio, climate, etc. controls. used the ones on steering wheel a lot more.
    **liked the back up camera ALOT more than I thought. Test driving it I thought I'd never really use it but when we were in tight parking areas or where kids/toys/bikes/animals were around, it was so nice to see easily!
    **seat height was very awkward for my 6ft 1in husband. One of main reason we are waiting for the 10 so we get height adjustment. The mirror was RIGHT in his line of vision.

    So now I am getting a package #3 with solar/nav package. I needed the nav package to get back-up camera (which comes standard in the 09) and I wanted to spoil myself with sunroof.:p

  17. RT66

    RT66 New Member

    Apr 22, 2009
    2009 Prius
    I bought a 2009 pkg 2 ten days ago...paid $22500 tax tags title delivered in Va...already have put 1K miles on the silver pine mica-colored little jewel...spent a total of $33 in gas...hitting 50.6 hypermiles per gallon. Best car experience ever...and btw, I traded a Jaguar XJ8L and still have a Porsche Boxster in my garage, so I do have some experience with autos. My obvious advice, buy an 09 for a song...its a helluva car and there are no unanswered questions about what you are getting...
  18. FrankD

    FrankD Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    Leesburg Fl.
    2007 Prius
    Great advice........

    I am not is a big hurry, which may be to my advantage. Actually, my thoughts are morte focused right now in trying to get everything done up here on my western NY home, (mowing, rototilling,pool opening, etc,etc), because we leave next week for a four week working vacation down at our future retirement home in Florida. I will not be back until the end of May.

    I'll look down in Florida, and stay in contact with the dealers up here. If I get a good deal down there, I may buy down there and drive it back.

    I fully understand both sides of the issue on what to buy, the 2009 or 2010. I'm leaning on the 2009. I need to look at more pictures of the 2010, but one of the things I'm reading about the 2010's is that the placement of the cup holders are not as smartly placed as the 2009's.

    The Silver Pine Mica is my first choice, but not a stumbling block. I just want to avoid too dark of a car, since in a couple of years we will move for good to our Florida home.

    This trip next week down in Florida for a month, I'm renting a car.....I'm hoping for a Prius, but Alamo always seem to change things...we'll see.

    The other thing that scares me a bit is that awful, scary write up that I read here from the Houston paper about crashes due to braking/acceleration problems. I'm going to believe they are rare....I would have heard more about them if they were a huge concern.

    I'll call some area dealers tomorrow and start fishing.....:D

    Frank D.
  19. FrankD

    FrankD Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    Leesburg Fl.
    2007 Prius
    Another question if you don't mind.

    Are Prius's warranties transferable? I'm confused about the battery warranty. I've heard different numbers, and do not know if they are just for new Prius's or any of them.

    10 year-100k, 8 year-150k.....which is it, and if I end up buying a used Prius, am I covered?

    Also, any comment on that Houston article?

    I spoke to my local dealer yesterday and he is going to check around and give me some figures. It does not seem like they are ready to give any deals yet on the 2009's........we'll see.

    Thank you.

    Frank D.
  20. Genoz World

    Genoz World ZEN-style living

    Feb 21, 2008
    La Canada
    Other Hybrid
    FRANK - i'm not sure about the warranty, but if you're talking about buying a used 08 let's say, with 20K+ miles, the battery is covered for whatever toyota says it's covered for.

    i've not read every post, but along with HILL and a few others here, i've personally driven the new PRIUS at the prius connection in sunny socal. i have an 08, i LOVE the moonroof and solar panel, YES, the back up cam is a MUST IMHO, YES, i have a MAC, so here's what i can say to you.

    in all other "relaxed" forms of driving, the gen 2 and 3 drive about the same. however, the gen 3 is considerably faster. it also gets better mileage and has a lot more modern tech's to boot.

    wait for the 10s to come, then if you still want an 09, they should be "bargaining" them even more.