Recently (well about 8 months ago) purchased new tires, and then got an alignment and balance and rotation done. then noticed that the tires (all 4) around the edges were wearing...whats the issue here? I had my alignment checked again and they said it was "right on" and that it was still in perfect align. is it just the tires or the way the prius wears on them? our other prius' tires has a little bit of wear around the tires also...what could be the problem? I included 2 pictures of the 2 front tires.
What tires are they and what pressures are you running them at? It could be a symptom of under inflation.
Pump up your tire pressures to 44/42. Some people run even higher then that and get more even wear...
You bugger, it's late here and my family are asleep and you made my laugh quite loudly. I agree with others, pump up your tyres. I know one member who runs 60PSI, I run mine at 50/48, my tyre wear is very good and very even. I suspect the OP is running about 32PSI or less. Just a guess.
I'm running 62/60 and have been since a few days after taking delivery. At the 10,000 mile rotation I did, the fronts were perfectly even at 7/32 tread depth. The backs indicate a rather horrible toe-in issue, which I will be taking care of with shims this weekend as well as the 20,000 mile rotation.
Do you guys really think it's a good idea to inflate the tires past the max imprinted on the sidewall by the tire manufacturer? One can always buy new tires and try drilling for more oil, but once you're dead, you are dead.
FWD wears front tires on the outer edges (not inner edges). Turn your wheels all the way to left and then to the right and check the outer/inner edges of tires. On one side, it is not perpendicular to the ground. This is by design to enhance traction at turns. Therefore, slow down at turns would help. However, for Integrity tires, they are LRR tires, which have hard side walls. When tire pressure is low, the outer edges of all four tires wear faster. That is why people who pump the pressure up to 40 psi actually see even wear. The same does not apply to regular non-LRR tires.
My OEM Goodyears lasted over 67,000 miles, though the edges were worn similar to your photos. I have BFG G Force Sports now, which is more of a performance tire with stiff shoulders. In 25,000 miles, with only one rotation I don't see any wear on the edges. I run about 40/38 TP, and rotate about every other oil change (10K or so). I've never had an alignment. Maybe you should get an alignment. I drive fairly aggressively, so I don't think cornering should be an issue, unless you are really charging the corners! Keep the presures up, and check alignment. Look for tires with a better supported edge shoulder (bigger tread blocks).
I would never inflate past the max imprinted on the tire. They were not designed nor tested above that pressure.
Integrity tires have the SOFTEST sidewalls of any tire I have ever seen. That's why they scrub the edges in turns. Yes, higher PSI does reduce the problem , but NEVER go above the rated MAX COLD PSI marked on your tires (44 for the Integrity). JeffD
I'm having a similar issue with the stock tires on the 2008 touring model. i noticed abnormal looking wear on the out edges, and they only have 28k on them. at my last oil change & rotation the tech said the were "cupping and feathering" and suggested an alignment. i wanted the tires to be balanced because they never have in 28,000 miles... so $144 later.. i feel like the problem isn't exactly fixed. i just recieved an email from the service manager after i completed the online service survey, after complaining about the dealer never checking the tires if they were balanced and he said they never do that. in every other vehicle i've had the rotate and balance went together every 5k... why not so with a prius??
Whenever I've had tires that needed to be rebalanced I've been able to feel that they were out of balance when driving the car. It will feel like there is a slight vibration, often only noticeable at particular highway speeds. Sometimes I can even tell exactly which tire is out of balance. So I usually don't get the balance checked unless I have reason to believe that it is needed, either due to vibration or tire wear.
Wheel align and balance at every second tyre rotation and rotate the wheels every 20,000km. Well that's my method. If I bumped a curb a bit hard I'd have the alignment checked but fortunately my wife rarely drives my car.
Your Goodyears are/were the exception. Most here had a bad time with the integrities ... including yours truly. Ours needed to be junked before 12,000 miles while the hydroedges have over 70,000 and you can hardly tell they're not new. .
i see what you did there. my wife doesn't drive my car, as i have convinced her the hybrid space ship technology is unknowable