I like the idea of using used parts. If anyone is seriously thinking of attempting this, you might want to Google "The Prius Parts Guy" and see if he has brake light switches, cruise control switches, and he might even know if the Vehicle Stabiltiy Control (Skid Control ECU) is an integral part for the system.
A clever alternative to installing a new brake light switch, which I understand is not that easy to get to.
HOLY THREAD RESURRECTION!! I'm interested in trying to add CC to my 09 Prius since I got the base model with no options. I also want to add the Coastal Tech EV switch thing, but that sucker needs the CC switch stalk. Does anyone know if the parts list from the PDF on the first page of this thread is accurate up through the 09? Or is there a parts breakdown somewhere? (I can read schematics and technical drawings...) ETA: Looks like the parts list is accurate. The parts needed are: Main Cruise Control Switch 8463234010 Cable 8463348020 Column cover 4518647010C0 (need to verify color appropriately) Stop Light Switch 8434020060 I will likely have to wait a month or so before I can order the parts, but I'll try to remember to post the results!
I find cc too aggressive on hills, where I like to slow down to conserve gas... I don't get to drive on flat terrain very often.
I just bought a yaris S model for my wife, unfortunately the car did not come with cruise control. I did a little research and through this great site found Metro toyota (Jesse - 877-885-2900) I purchased a cruise control from them for about $200, installation was not that hard (although the instructions were very poor). I realize the prius is a little different animal but maybe he can come up with one for you- good luck!
Me, either. Even on long trips, I'm not a big fan of cruise control. If an autopilot were safe and reliable, then sure, wake me up when we get there. Until then, I'd rather drive. All these configuration differences between markets! Can't we just trade parts? (This seems to have worked for ev switches.) Or would Toyota scream? The local dealer might wonder about me ordering 10 complete sets of cruise control parts...
Thanks for the detailed instructions which gave me the confidence to be able to perform this install.
I've been meaning to try this for years. I had a brake switch failure 2 years ago and looking at the part, I've got the black brake switch with two contacts instead of 4. Is there a good source of used parts for Gen II on this side of teh atlantic or do I need to go to the dealer with the parts list?
Holy sh!t, that was easy!! I now have cruise control!!! I ordered the parts from the main dealer on Wednesday, came to €150. Fitted them in 45 minutes and it works like a dream. Why oh why did I not search here years ago!! Its been my big bugbear with the Prius I bought, the car just screams for CC, just last week I ended up with shin cramps after a 7hour round trip which would have been 70% cruise control if it was fitted. Thank you Frayadjacent for digging out the part numbers and Patrick Wong for giving m the confidence to do it! I'm one happy pupppy today