I was at the Nissan dealership picking up my Maxima that was being serviced. I've known the service rep and parts manager there for a long time. The service rep noticed my Prius and asked some standard questions about it. Of course, I had all the right answers because I belong to PC. I was able to tell him a couple of things that raised his eybrows, such as extended brake life, no transmission. He said he had to get checked out on the Altima hybrid, even though he's never seen one in Texas. His next comment raised my eyebrows. "There have been people killed while working on these". Really? I know that the high voltage parts on this car can be dangerous. And all of the stuff you're not supposed to mess with is bright orange, but have there been any reports of a death?
Normal cars kill people who work on them.... Derby Man Killed While Fixing Car - KWCH - Kansas News and Weather -
An easy explanation might be that at training he was told that an untrained person working on it could be killed and that over time it changed in his mind to have been killed.
It's probably true. Those are the people who went to elementary school in those little yellow busses. But he left off the minor fact that those same shade tree mechanics died because their scissors jack gave way, & the cause of death was being crushed to death. Go to youtube and search 'accidents'. 90% of the causes were because either the victim, the perpetrator, or both, were acting with the I.Q. of knobs.
More likely someone left it READY and the engine fired up unexpectedly than that someone got a shock from an HV circuit.
Toyota has a super-secret program where they steal away the bodies to a special research lab. They pay off the family members of those killed to never speak. A huge cover up/conspiracy. I know b/c I saw a puff of smoke once from a Prius. (sorry Dragonfly, just teasing).
Please tell me that your next comment was, "Yeah, I can see that; Nissan Techs aren't necessarily the brightest bunch." :hat:
True. It's all part of a secret government program to develop sinister new energy weapons .... uh-oh, they're knocking on my door
You just reminded me of one of my classmates when I was in Jr. High. We were in Science class and the teacher was speaking when all of a sudden the lights went out in the room. The teacher went over to the electrical panel and flipped the breaker back on. Then he asked, "Tyson, are you alright?" Tyson had unfolded a paper clip and inserted it in the 110v outlet that was built into the lab table in front of him. He was apparently only stunned although his hair seemed to be standing up higher than normal. I think this is how the teacher was able to identify him as the culprit. Maybe Tyson found employment as a Nissan tech? :madgrin:
Be careful what you say about the CVT. I was severely rebuked by the technonerds here for implying that the Prius had no transmission, even though it was a side comment like yours.
There have been people killed while NOT working on these hybrids too.....they just didn't see/sense/heard of the hybrids approching and still walk in front of them. Thus the 'Bell the Hybrids Act' proposal....yea, just something I heard too.