iPod Adapter for Prius - Why Do Some Work and Others Dont?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by hawkeye978, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. hawkeye978

    hawkeye978 New Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Westford, MA
    Hello all,

    This is my first post. Just received a new 2005 Prius last week so I have had it less than a week. So far I am managing about 54 MPG with average commutes of 14-15 miles one way.

    I want to install my iPod in the car and so I am sorting out the options. Ideally, it would be to use something like the iPod2Car so that the iPod can be neatly tucked away. I was looking at the USA Spec PA10 but the Prius seems to be the only Toyota not on their approved list. An email to them had the stock response of 'If its not on the list then it doesn't work'. It's too bad because that unit is about $100 as opposed to the $140-180 for the iPod2Car with the same functionality. Anybody know why an adapter would work in most 2005 Toyota's but not the Prius? One would think the CD adapter would be basically the same connection. Also, is it my imagination or is the iPod2Car the same device as the AuxPod? At first I thought they were different but certain retailers seem to make them interchangeable even though they seem to be different manufacturers. I am thinking of just go with an Aux adapter since they are about half the price. From looking at websites and the comatible hardware posts here I think that if you want integration with the steering wheel and playlist capability then its

    iPod2Car (Peripheral)
    AuxPod (PAC)

    For auxiliary only;

    Aux2Car (Peripheral)
    AuxBox (PAC)
    NEO Aux (maybe)
    Toy-Aux (PIE)

    Anything I'm missing? Anyone actually try out the USA Spec unit?


  2. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    It basically comes down to how they are presenting themselves to the AVC lan. The Prius, as a few other Toyota/Lexus cars, has a video display that provides much of the controls that would normally be on the header itself.

    The AVC works by having device IDs for each device, as well as subcodes to address a function in a device. Of course, a device has to know and understand about another device in order to interact with it properly. If the MFD/Header did not know about the device ID for Sirius, then an integrated Sirius adapter would not work, as there would be no way to address it. As it stands, Sirius has an assigned ID that is recognized by the Prius.

    Now, there is no ID for IPod, so a mfr for an adapter would have to make use of an existing one. Often they use CD2, but that might conflict with a changer, especially one already connected to the expansion port as the changer may already be using CD2. CD1 is best left for the built-in CD player. For the JBL system, I don't know if the internal changer is understood as CD1 or CD2. If you asked me to guess, I would say CD1, but it might be CD2 so that the MFD would control it as a changer and not just a single disk player.

    There may be an ID for an MP3 device, but there may not be adequate specs on what the command codes would be to do what.
  3. addlepated

    addlepated New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Is there any iPod adapter which integrates with the stock stereo and 6 disk changer?
  4. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    They were listed in the post above mine. Dave at CoastalTech is supposed to come out with one that will let you see playlists and control them from the MFD, but I think the next Prius revision will be out by then.
  5. datavortex

    datavortex New Member

    Apr 21, 2005
    Atlanta, Georgia, USA
    Re: iPod Adapter for Prius - Why Do Some Work and Others Don

    I don't suppose we're lucky enough that the MFD controls are loaded from the (navigation) DVD, and is upgraded when a new version is used? Or is there any chance of firmware upgrades from Toyota?

    Also, is there any place or post to look at for info on CoastalTech's iPod product?

    Thanks much.
  6. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    He used to have a demonstration video before he released the video interface, but it has been pulled.

    When I meant Prius release I meant a totally new car, just as happened in 2004 compared to 2003.

    Yes, NAV does make some updates, but you need the proper hardware. I think the MFD already has what one needs, but nobody's implemented it properly as of yet.
  7. datavortex

    datavortex New Member

    Apr 21, 2005
    Atlanta, Georgia, USA
    Thanks Dan! I hope I can see a video (or any more information) from Dave soon.