Extended Warranty: yes or no? Purchased a 2003 from a dealership here in WV 6 weeks ago and now it has a little bit over 100,000 miles on it. I have recently added an extended warranty from a company called Consumer Direct Warranty Services (sold by Direct Warranty Services) out in Redding, CA. It runs 5 years and 150K miles for $2395 and some of what it includes are: engine, transmission, transfer unit of 4x4, drive axle assembly, air conditioning unit, electronics, seals, gaskets, high tech electrical system and more (will get package in mail soon w/complete details). I a have been told it is cancellable at any time and I'm a monthly payment plan of $150/mo which I'm sure isn't refundable. So, is this a good warranty? And does anyone feel it's of value to have an extended warranty on a Gen1 Prius w/ 100K miles? Thanks!
Cancel it. It won't cover most (if any) of the hybrid components. Put the money in the bank and let the interest grow. Use that money if you ever need a major repair done.
And I'm assuming that those hybrid components are where the expense will really add up? Thanks for the reply!
I'm not so sure you should cancel it. To change out the brake motor is normally $2000.00 - that includes seals and the motor and installation. I wish I had it on mine because I didn't think I would have had any failure with a mere 35,000 on a garage kept 2001.
Well, the warranty actually DOES NOT cover the brake system, probably for that reason and that the regenerative braking is obviously more involved than conventional. The company had me cross out that part of the coverage probably because it is a Hybrid. Thanks for the reply!
Another vote for cancel, refund and self-insure. Change transaxle fluid, coolants, spark plugs and PCV valve. Unless these have been done? Think about how to prevent problems in this fine car, not about who's going to pay for them after. Anyway welcome tp PC and let us help you get good service out of that car.