Riddle me this... I know there are at least 5 posts on here about programming prius keys. some say you can, some say you can't, most say it's hard but requires miracles...my story is this: i bought my 2008 prius in October-08 with regular black logo (not the super smart key that just has to be near the car.) I used to just be able to press my unlock button to unlock the car, but SOMEHOW the thing de-programmed its self, and now I have to use the key to open the door every time i want to open it, which is so stupid because you always have to use both hands to release the metal key from the fob, and when i'm carrying my laptop, my lunch, my purse, my cell phone...you get the picture. so my question is: is there anyway I can reprogram the lock/unlock button on my key fob myself w/o the dealer (i hate them, they just want the little bit of money i have left after buying the car)?? moreover, could I program an extra silver-logo key to my black logo-key car?? my aunt had an extra one after crashing her prius, and it would be nice to do all this stuff in one shot. thanX
Are you sure that the battery in the Fob isn't dead? You can replace the battery yourself without the dealer being involved.
Well I can't say that I'm not sure it's the battery. I tried changing it this morning with no success since I can get the cover to slide off. I suspect it's just jammed shut with all the gunk that's caught up in there. either way that cap ain't coming off any time soon. But it does work in the ignition still, so I'm at least happy about that. Still, I'd like to be able to lock/unlock the doors remotely.
Here are the instructions for replacing the battery in the Fob. You can buy a CR2032 battery at many stores, it is a common size.
Thanks Dogfriend, I know how to remove the cover and replace the battery (i did it with my extra key fob this morning several times with no problem) I just can't get the cover off of my original key fob (the one that won't remotely open the doors) It just won't budge. My thumbs have gone raw trying to get it off, I really do just think it's jammed or stuck on from gunk. Unfortunately, I think I'll break down and go to the dealer...this DIY situation just isn't working for me. But thanks for the help anyway, I blame my key fob for its insubordinance.
as an update, i didn't need to remove the battery. i was able just to follow the instuctions posted on a seperate thread on programming door locks to get my original key to work (black logo.) then I successfuly programed my spare key to drive the car but not to lock and unlock the doors (i suspect b/c it's a silver logo.) all in all i'm happy that mostly everything works. and as a precautionary measure, i put the metal key that manually locks/unlocks my doors, with the spare key that can't lock/unlock remotely. that way, the back up has all the necessary capabilities of driving my car, even if you do have to open the door manually. for anyone interested, see: http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...lly-how-program-non-sks-key-fob-detailed.html