While driving my daughter to the park this afternoon, I passed a parked car that grabbed my attention: driftwood pearl color...sleek design... "Could it be?" I thought, rubbernecking as I passed. "Nah, it's probably just one of those Matrixes (Matrices?) I keep mistaking for the Prius...no, wait! It is! A new Prius! Right there!" I babbled on for a bit--wow, a real live Prius here in my home town. After a short playtime at the park, as we headed home, I started talking about "gee, I hope the Prius is still there..." and was sad when it wasn't. At that point, I came up with an expression which, I think, epitomizes the longing and muted jealousy we on the waiting lists feel when we actually see our dream car outside of a dealer's lot: Prius envy. If someone has already come up with this--and it wouldn't surprise me--I apologize. Jared
Jared: Have seen only 3 in and around Chicago. Two silver, one white. Not to mention the one that I was driving. 8)
Kinda wish we had that rarity, but on the flipside, seeing 2 '04's per day here in Orange County, CA is also kinda cool. I'll see 2-4 classic's ('01-'03s) as well. They don't notice you for the most part, however I'm still approached at least every other week in the parking lot or somewhere to ask about my car. Happened again yesterday. Now with EV - it may become even more "strange" in parking lots
I live in Bartlett, IL. I just ordered a Silver #3 last week. Since then, I have seen three. A Black, a Tideland Pearl, and a White, all in the vicinity of I-90 and Barrington Road. I expect that I'll notice them more often now that I've placed my order.
Mostly in the NW suburbs (Schaumburg up through Barrington), I've seen Salsa, Black, White, and Silver. Still looking for Tideland, Seaside, and Driftwood. Come to think of it, all the colors are covered in this thread except Seaside. Has anyone seen, or does anyone own, a Seaside in Illinois? Peter1st mentioned, in another thread, that he's been waiting for a #9 Seaside (Northbrook Toyota) for around 6 months. Is Seaside the rarest color in the state?
Hi: I own a Seaside #7 in Seattle and have seen only one other Seaside, a dealer demo. It was my first choice of color and I think it is really nifty, especially in a water place like Seattle. Out here, the rarest color is Tideland Pearl, of which I have seen only one. It looked more grey than green, but it was definitely the Tideland. Silver seems the most popular here in the PNW, followed by Driftwood. Anyone have a Tideland Pearl photo to show us? I'm curious to see if it's really green. Sorry for straying off the Illinois theme. Bob
There's a Tideland around the corner and up the block from me. Still haven't found the owner, but I drive my black one by all the time, hehe. People have called it everything from "Charcoal Green" to "Angry Sea Green". Yes, there is green in it, but it's really only visible in sunlight for the most part, at least for me. If it's overcast or near dawn or dusk, it looks more grey. When the light hits it just right though it's definitely green, and a very interesting color.
I've had my 2004 for over a month now and I'm very disappointed that no one has ever stopped me to ask about it. I see very few Priuses, either 2004 or classic. I did notice a Driftwood 2004 parked in downtown Naperville a week or so ago. And about once a week I see one on I-88 out here in the western suburbs. Barbara 2004 Salsa Red #9 "Maya" BYOUNG1 (Illinois)
Barbara, You might see me rolling down 88, as I am in your neighborhood. I work in Warrenville and have a Tideland that I also received 3 weeks ago. I'll keep an eye out for you and will be sure to "ask you" about your great car.
I have had my silver 04 for one month. I teach at Wheaton Warrenville South HS, so look for mine in the faculty parking lot. I take I88 as well. Jim
I propose a modification to the Prius sightings thread. For someting even more rare, how about we report Prius IN A GAS STATION sightings. Now that's going to be rare.
As another Seattle Prius-watcher (and one who has also pinned his hopes on Tideland Pearl), I agree that this is the rarest. (Though Salsa Red comes in a close second.) What's weird is that I've seen the Tideland Pearl once a day for a 3-day stretch last week -- thought it was following me around. Maybe it didn't have a driver, and wanted me to take it home! :roll: And I think you're description of Tideland is exactly right. What's weird is that the color shifts -- overcast days it's very grey, sunny days it's dark green. I thought I saw pictures of the Driftwood Pearl in snow that made it look somewhat grey, too. Personally, I like the color shift based on weather -- it's nice. Agreed, though I feel like I'm seeing more Seaside Pearl models, too -- but maybe you just get around, Bob. Some good, very hi-res pictures of a Tideland Pearl in the sun (more green than grey) can be found here. May take some time to load. Ditto!
I see a 2004 Prius on average once for every hour of driving time out here in the Bay Area. I see an older Prius about once every 15 minutes of driving. I was surprised to see three 2004's on my 20 minute drive to work today. It's awful frustrating knowing that most of those folks ordered after I did on Sep 17. But I know that my wait is mostly due to my limited selection of colors that I will accept. I'm holding out for Silver or Tideland.
I've had mine since Nov. 9, with now about 9000 miles and I have not seen another 2k4 in the wild yet. Several trips through Cleveland and Columbus, once to Detroit, once to Buffalo, and NOTHING! I get questions at gas stations and rest stops all the time, to the point now that it gets a little tiring, but I always sing the Praises of the Prius to those who ask.
I saw a Silver 04 down in 5 Points on my way home from work last night here in Columbia. I gave the guy a smile and checked out his car heavily while I passed Was that anyone on here?