How'd they get a 17" version of the stock 15"?? lol. Also the Modellista Aero Tourer's front design kinda mixes the RX-8/2010 Mazda3 with an Insight-ish grille... I thought it was LED+17 and moonroof that you guys were talking about. The Australian version (the grey one) showed LEDs and 15".
Australia will only get 15 inch wheels. I think that chrome blob on the upper grill of the aero tourer is terribly ugly!! I like the treatment of the lower grill. What is the facination with ugly chrome slabs for grills?
bling factor that first started with rappers and their chosen vehicle - the Escalade. I don't know lol...
I was shocked at all the ugly chrome grills at the Detroit Auto Show, yuk, get rid of the cheap chintzy crap. Chrome looked great on rounder looking cars and in balance, sorry but a blob of chrome on the front of a car does not make it classy or luxurious. This is from a guy whos bike has more chrome than paint, but it's all over and balanced.
Ah, got it, no that was not the case. The conclusion to which we came at the end was that the only REAL limitation (and we still don't know exactly why) is that you can't have 17" with solar roof. If you want solar roof you'll have to go with 15" wheels. I've asked why to Toyota already, I'm still waiting to be told the technical reasons behind this limitation.
RoTFL!!! I'm with PatSparks on this one, it sure is ugly! This only goes to show how different cultures appreciate different things I guess...
Thank you Ken. I suspect this week we will see the SAE paper on the ZVH30 and many of my questions will be addressed. I have a few thoughts to share from these charts. The dual, intake and exhaust variable valve timing has improved the engine performance. I suspect the flat tail to the right of the BSFC chart is when the cooled exhaust gas re-circulation comes into play. What this means is mountain, hill, high-speed and headwind performance will be exceptionally good. The BSFC of a traditional Otto engine increases at higher power levels due to a reduction in throttle plate, pumping losses. So hybrid skeptics in the past devised tests that forced the NHW11/NHW20 Prius into high power modes. In contrast, the Atkinson peak efficiency happens in the middle and lower part of the power curve. This will be a real game changer, especially on European highways. I am surprised that the heater output graph shows 3 minutes before a step increase in heater output. Wayne Mitchell is correct that a block heater will still help by reducing the initial 3 minute warm-up interval. I was disappointed not to see a savings of warm-up time of about 1/2 to a full 1 minute. This is an area that I will be especially interested. In particular, I'd like to see any studies that show the dT between upstream and downstream exhaust gas temperatures. . . . I believe the "average FE" versus "vehicle speed" graph is only a sales chart. I've been looking at Prius MPG vs MPH data for three years and these curves have a problem. Not only the shape, a smooth curve, but the peak efficiency speed, 50 km/h, is too high. Had the peak speed been closer to 30 km/hr, I would have been much happier. This really looks too much like a 'sales' graph. Please understand that I appreciate the information. Don't let my musings about some of the data be seen as anything but trying to understand some of the obscure aspects of these charts. Bob Wilson
Very good comments Bob, let me add some of mine, not so good, but still... I hope so. There's a lot to understand still about this new HSD. I don't understand the relation here. Care to explain a bit more please? Why do you thing the EGR only comes into play at higher output? I would think the opposite... at high output there is little gain in compensating pumping loses with inert gas recirculation no? Indeed! Can't wait to try one 2010 in all the possible scenarios... hope Toyota can get me one to play around... You guys had all the luck so far in there, you got to drive them already! I think it is absolutely expected. Please remember the outside temperature is quite low, therefore it takes time to heat the block enough to have a significant positive delta temp that is worth permuting the heat from one circuit to the other. At normal (around 20ºC) outside temperatures the gains and advantages of EHRS will be almost immediate I reckon. Could it be that this is due to the difference between the Prius 1G and 2G? Remember all your wonderful work studies are done in the 1st generation car, maybe these curves are for the current model? Just wondering, but maybe that's the reason.
Here's an interesting photo of a 2010 with a North American sized license plate frame, but an exterior color not on the NA color list. I can't tell which side the steering wheel is on, would this be intended for the JDM or maybe somewhere else in Asia?
I don't think it's a US bound car. It doesn't have the amber reflectors on the sides of the headlight housings. And I really hope the US bound cars don't have the bracket already installed when they arrive.
I'm guessing Japanese. It seems to be a RHS wheel, and the license plate for European cars is usually larger.
It has to be RHD since the red paper is normally on the passenger side (from looking at the other pics).
That would be a Japan-bound vehicle. Japan uses the squarish plates. mmhmm. Ahhh okok. Yeah I'm not sure either but I'm banking on weight. 17" wheels can easily add 5-10lbs per wheel (rim + tyre). I checked Nokian's site and there's a 5lb difference in tyre alone between the 215/45R17 and the 195/65R15. Indeed. It's all about moderation and as well as tasteful application. If I may take a stab at it? Traditionally, extra fuel is injected into the cylinders to cool them down. This usually happens at higher speeds or mountain driving where the cylinders and pistons will have to work harder to maintain the speed. With EGR, the cooled gas is used in lieu of fuel. EGR is used to cool the combustion chamber.
Thanks Bob for your interesting post. I want to make a couple of points from the graph: 1) The starting temp of the 2010 Prius is one deg C lower. 2) 2010 Prius does not have the thermo bottle with the previous hot coolant. 3) 2010 reaches the stage 2 temp (40+ deg C) 5 minutes faster! Therefore, the ICE can stay off! The initial 3 minutes was the "catchup" time for the lack of thermo bottle. If we consider stage 1 to be the warm-up stage because the ICE is always on, then 2010 improves it by 5 minutes.