Does anyone know what the service manuals cost for a 2009? Also does anyone have the manuals for this year? Just wondering if it would be useful for me to own these. I am not planning to do much work on my car, but it would be nice to have the info, and understand the components and the procedures involved in doing specific service work. I had the manuals on my 1988 Chevy truck which I drove for over 20 years before letting it go to a friend, and replaced it with my new Prius! I did refer to the info on many occasions, and found help in deciding to attempt work my self or to stay far away! Just understanding the systems and how they are designed, is a huge advantage! Thanks to anyone who has information to offer on the manuals.
All your questions are answered at Look for the 2006 manual - the car is unchanged between 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 model years (minor tweaks to option packages only). The changes from 2004 to 2006 were so minor that the same model code is used - NHW20. There are also copies (of dubious legality) online here: 2004, 2006.
If you wish to develop an understanding of the various Prius systems, then I suggest you subscribe to and download the New Car Features manual for 2004 and subsequent years. The 2004 NCF will give you a complete 2G "theory of operations", while the updates for subsequent model years provide info on the new tweaks introduced each year. If you just obtain and read the repair manuals, they will tell you troubleshooting steps to follow when you have a problem, but you will not necessarily understand why you are doing whatever you were told to do. Also I suggest that you review the various Toyota tech training courses, which are available at techinfo or free of charge at Automotive Training and Resource Site
Thank you all for the great links and info! I will be checking them when I have more time. Looks like good reading! ( I love manuals!! ) :whoo:
I am a big fan of the Haynes series of manuals. This version that covers all the way up to 2008 is applicable to 2009 as well. Here's a link on ebay that has it for pretty cheap.
The Haynes manual sucks. I have many other Haynes and those are good; this one's an exception. Get a Bentley, or download the factory manual from Toyota.
Also factory service manuals on DVD would be my choice. PRIUS 2009 PublicationDescriptionPub # Price Repair ManualVOL. 1RM10Q0U1$138.95 Repair ManualVOL. 2RM10Q0U2$115.79 Repair ManualVOL. 3RM10Q0U3$123.51 Owners Manual Navigation GuideNHW20 FRM 8/08 OM47615U$15.95 Owners ManualNHW20 OM47614U$15.95 Electrical Wiring DiagramNHW20 EM10Q0U$84.21
Bentley Prius Manual KTPhil is correct--the Bentley Prius Manual is A+++. Jayman: You don't specify your specific interest(s); the Bentley manual devotes 62 pages to brakes, suspension, and steering.
Re: Bentley Prius Manual Does the Bentley manual describe how to bleed the brakes on a +2004 Prius? If they suggest "step on the brake pedal and crack open the bleeder valve" then BZZZZZT WRONG The only way to properly bleed the brakes on a Prius is to use the dealership scantool to command the solenoid valves to open in proper sequence, and the boost pump to run at the proper time For example, my All Data DIY has the same exact instructions for bleeding the brakes as the genuine Toyota shop manual
Good to hear. Generic Prius "shop" manuals suggest old-fashioned brake bleeding methods. That is dangerous