I have a MY2004. I was given a new DVD with 2009 maps that also apparentlly unlocks the use of the NAV while driving. So with the car ON, I press and slide, the DVD comes out, I put the new one in and wait.... Nothing happens... I tried to reset the car, nothing happens. I press and slide the eject putton, the command is ignored. Is there a way to force eject the DVD? (like the pin on computer DVDs)? How do I get the €%$£ out? Help!
Was this a Toyota factory disk, or someones burned at home copy of the map disk? Did the disk also have a paper label on it? The reason I ask, is there have been threads about "Homemade" disks with paper labels being shoved into the CD Player slot and getting stuck. They got stuck, because a factory stamped disk is thinner than a burn at home disk. The paper label does not help matters any. There could be the same clearance problem with the Map DVD unit!! Let us know what develops!!
If you would, compare the thickness of the Toyota Original DVD you pulled out, and the thickness of the stock you put in. If you have calipers that would make life easier. If they are the exact same edge thickness, well forget that idea!!! If indeed you find the stock thicker that the Toyota disk, you are probably going to have to pull the DVD unit from the under the seat location, and relocate it to a well lit tabletop. Pull the cover and see how badly the disk is jammed. Will it rotate on its drive spindle? Is it centered on the Drive spindle? If the disk goes in sloppy and does not self center, you can have a problem. Yes I know that's a longshot, I have however seen it happen in other drives! When you hit the eject button, does it sound like its trying to spit it out? Clicking?, Grinding?..... Let us know
That same DVD (it's a RW) came in and out a few times already. So I would exclude the thickness. You can also hear it turn inside, at least, he heads are moving. But the eject buttun is totally ignored. it makes no change of noise whats so ever. I've read in the technical manual (NS page 101) that I can press and ket it pressed for 5 sec. immediately after ACC. Today I'll try that.
Sorted. Pressing the button for 5 seconds as written in the manual DID NOT work. I reverted to removing the box from under the seat, teke it home, open it, remove the DVD with pair of pliers from the hub, reassembling it, and reinstalled it in the car. Now it's working fine.
No, nothing obvious, except for an aparrent software lock-up, for it not to respond to the five-sec. button press. What is curious is when I reinstalled it in the car and put in the original DVD, it reloaded the program from the DVD. Took him a couple of minutes with a warning NOT to power off the car. The settings were imperial and not metric, it lost the recently found but not the saved POI. And it put me on a different part of the city! (Which I have not been)
Found your problems interesting to me. First, you said you have a 2004, right? I've spent the last 3 weekends trying to modify a new Nav Ver. 8.1 for my 2005 Prius, so that I could still access the hidden override menu, by swapping the "loading.kwi" file. Messing around in the hidden menu, I went to "Loading" and scrolled down to some unknown somehing-or-another (Australia, maybe?) and evermore locked up my Nav. No matter how long the power disconnected, half hour and more, it still only asked for the proper DVD. Read about a reset button inside the unit. Took it apart. My many years as Military Aviation Electronics Technician can tell you, for a fact, there is Not a reset button inside my Nav. Box. The only button in it is the cover open/close button, actuated by that outside slide switch, which I did press several times when it was in pieces. And when I put it back together, it accepted my original disc. Works fine. There is two types of these Nav. units. Generation 4, for the 2004 and 2005 Prius, having an "analog" display, like regular small TV's. In 2006, and on, It is Generation 5, being a "digital" display, like flat screen TV's. My first attempts involved a copy of Ver. 8.1 from a 2009 Prius. This resulted in a lot of newly learned knowledge. ha ha Bought a Gen. 4, Ver. 8.1, and tried to swap "loading.kwi" It worked, great, for almost 2-days. Went to override, and then entered several POI names on keyboard. But then, after doing this atleast 4-seperate times, it stopped displaying keyboard. Maps worked. Override worked (boxes not grayed out). But pressing Destination boxes would not bring up keyboard. Then spent several hours reading other Toyota products chat groups, and found many others having same problem trying to make "hybrid" nav discs. One in particular said going from ver. 4.1, and 5.1 to 8.1 requires more than just the one loading.kwi file. I'm not a member of that chat group, or otherwise would have asked what other files are required? My final thoughts, swapping loading.kwi to make hybrid discs still capable of hidden override menu may have worked for versions 6.1 and 7.1 (sometimes) but does not seem to work for 8.1. (Ver. 5.1 is supposedly the last version, and in digital Gen. 5 that still had the override in it.) I put in the switch on the speed sensor. And then I found out if you leave switch open for several minutes, Nav gets "lost" ....takes 15 or more minutes for it to find itself again. Oh Well, just got to type fast when driving. ha ha
I know for a fact that, in Europe, when buying the 2009 maps, the NAV lock is unlocked. Members of my forum discovered that by placing a 2009 map on an older car, Power ON, and then re-inserting the original Map, the system WILL upgrade to the new software and the screen WILL be unlocked automatically while moving. So one memeber made a copy of the 2009 DVD, put it online, We all made ourself a copy to upgrade the NAV's firmware, and only I had the issue written here. The others? 50% worked, 50% did not work. 1 member (me) had to disassemble the NAV to take the DVD off.
I have the same problem right now with my 07 prius. I don't know what to do. Did you just pry the clips off the cover and break them?