Does the new (or existing) Prius allow the keeping of separate average MPG stats for two different drivers? I haven't heard anything about this, but it would be a nice little feature to have. Hypermiling is kind of a game for me (when I have the time), but my wife could care less. She drives the hybrid like a normal car. I'd like to see what average MPG I could achieve without factoring in her driving. And, no, not letting her drive is not an option.
No way to do that, it would be darn hard other than resetting the consumption screen for each trip and writing down each one, how far, MPG, etc.
Well, it would be a pain for us to do manually, sure, but would it really be that difficult for Toyota to add this feature? I don't see it being much different than selecting Trip A or Trip B on the odometer.
I believe the 2010 model has a multiple driver feature. I recall seeing it in Detroit, but I didn't play with it, so my memory is a bit hazy. Tom